Search results

  1. R

    Affordable Clothes Store in New Orleans?

    We need to buy elegant (but not over the top) clothes to attend a wedding reception. We do not want to spend much and we'd like a large store, where we will have many options. Not Walmart but not expensive either. Something in the middle, still very affordable and offering decent quality...
  2. R

    Alt Codes Not Working Properly?

    I always thought that Alt + 227 was supposed to show up the pi symbol, but instead is shows ?. Other Alt Codes are also behaving strangely. Please help. Thank you.
  3. R

    The Small Talk Holiday Scavenger Hunt of 07/08 Info (teams are full)

    :rolleyes: ok i drop down to 20...
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    How to mess up my Blackberry Bold?

    "Take a bath" Whoops! I thought my Blackberry was Waterproof! and then get grounded forever
  5. R

    Do you recognize the user above you?

    not at all
  6. R

    Old But Disturbing Story!

    Selling stock?
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    Parents Accused of Drugging Kids so They Could Party

    Wife - "Let's go out tonight darling" Husband - "sorry darling, we haven't got enough drugs for both us & the kids." Parents Accused of Drugging Kids so They Could Party...
  8. R

    Motorcycle Enthusiasts

    2- Here is a sample of the crowd. They said there was 350,000 bikers there and I believe it!
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    If I play a DVD on my computer, will it still work in the DVD player?

    It might sound like a stupid question but I want to know if it will still work in the DVD player after I play it on the computer. Can this affect the disc or change it somehow?
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    Saint Bill of Gates?
  11. R


    Anywho, On Topic. Ignore the first impression from the title. Michio Kaku - Top Secret Military War Plans - YouTube
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    How young is too young?

    if youre both in highschool its okay
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    "Cliques" in school that you ABSOLUTELY cant stand!

    "Cliques" in school that you ABSOLUTELY cant stand! i have a 4.0 grade point average and attended yardale. /southpark
  14. R

    I had a dream about this guy, then saw him at the gym the next day?

    I had a dream we were playing in a school gym (we were friends when we were in elementary/middle school) so, we were playing, and i felt really happy like we were really close and stuff. Well, the next day, I saw him at the gym I workout at 3 times a week. I've been going to that gym for about...
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    The Euros

    Germany Spain final as predicted. Don't see the Italians beating the Germans like that, and don't see the Portuguese beating the Spanish.
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    Samsung Gusto VS. Lg Prime?

    Should I get the Lg Prime or the Samsung Gusto? Please tell me why you choose your answer.
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    Doctor responsible for finding Bin Laden jailed for 30 years.

    I'm not arguing the IRA were terrorists, I'm asking whether that is the same perception the rest of the world has. Like I said, China, Russia, India, did they really care about the IRA? Was it really affecting them? Now turn that around with the war on terror, that had an affect on everyone...
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    tries buttsex; hilarity does not ensue

    all of thoes stories are fake/made up
  19. R

    Gaiaism. Agree or disagree.

    who the hell voted disagree alone?
  20. R

    Martial Art Pants for The Office

    Thanks for the suggestions guys. I love getting the question "why?" on here. The truth is comfortably. Also, on my breaks, I like to stretch and practice kicks (away from prying eyes of course). Plus both my jobs are in public places. You never know when boot to the head may serve a purpose.