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  1. L

    when you die

    I want to have a heart attack while fucking a slut.
  2. L

    Give me Five ....

    South Korea Qatar Malaysia Portugal (on the Iberian Peninsula) Sweden (on the Scandanavian Peninsula) I hope you meant 5 countries that are within a peninsula, not 5 countries that are peninsulars. For those that have encountered these phenomena 5 example of Japlish or Konglish (An often...
  3. L

    Restraining orders

    exactly. taking things into your own hands, and Ive been there a lot of times too, is the worst thing you can do in this kind of situation. Even in a fight, NEVER forget your actions will be judged later, and judged with hindsight. You MUST know when to stop, when to run, and when to strike...
  4. L

    guilty pleasures

    She's what, 14? Christ..
  5. L

    What does Homosexuality mean to you?

    Depends if you take your own advice
  6. L

    Help me vote in the California 2012 primary election

    It's attitudes like these that insure that there are only 2 relevant parties which are locked in a race to the bottom. If the US didn't have so big an impact on the world financial market, I'd happily cheer you on and watch from the sideline with popcorn.
  7. L

    US embassies attacked

    Oh right. Well that makes insulting people okay then when you know it will likely provoke a violent reaction.
  8. L

    SNP Wins Landslide Victory!

    and ignoring a successful yes vote would be even braver, but some how I cant see it being cameron who is in power by the time this happens the coalition is already cracking.
  9. L

    Doctor responsible for finding Bin Laden jailed for 30 years.

    From what I understood they were supposed to, something happened with all the fiasco of killing Bin Laden and all they forgot about the poor guy.
  10. L

    Tiger victim drinking, admitted taunting

    Those guys were stupid & i feel more sorrow for the fact the Tiger died. I dont think any of them deserved to die for what they did, but what did they expect would happen?
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    Bike Restrictor Kit

    OK, then I think you are limited to a 16bhp 125cc bike until you pass your test. Bear in mind that I passed my bike test before you were born so I may be a little out of touch Mitch
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    *The Original TSR Sexy Biatch Society*

  13. L


    taco bell ftw. screw chipotle. it's just more expensive "mexican" food like taco bell is.
  14. L

    Funny Gifs

    here's one i got a few days ago from a mate of mine
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    Can I get genital herpes if....?

    No. It is not transmitted thru toilet seats. When I found out I had herpes, I tried my best to prove it was from a toilet seat.
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    I've been having really bad dreams the past several nights and don't know

    what's causing it. Any ideas? I've had dreams lately where I wake myself up because I'm yelling or crying. Once I even kicked something in my dream and woke myself up because I actually kicked one of my cats off the bed. Then of course the dream was so bad that I can't go back to sleep. Why is...