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  1. J

    The Art Of Penny Balancing! Must See This!

    how is it fail sir?
  2. J

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Sounds like it's time you move to the spyware free zone of Ubuntu Linux!
  3. J

    Better than knocking on a sound-proof door...

    Someone needs to revisit calculus...A circle is not perfectly round. there are almost an infinite number of sides to a circle, each too small to see without an extremly powerful microscope :facepalm:
  4. J

    Found a funny photo, caption it?

    she is fat.
  5. J


    The argument is that ganja should be legal because alcohol, which is worse, is legal.
  6. J

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I recommend you stop banging your head off the desk. Headache will subside naturally.
  7. J

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    i'm suffering from adrenal weirdness again. It's 1.30am, and I am having adrenaline dumps and can't sleep. I'd do some lifting, but the metallic noises would definitely wake up my mom and brother. Pullups are out because my pullup bar is attached to the door frame so I'd need to have my door...
  8. J

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    2.5 hour journey home, all because people can't drive in the rain.
  9. J


    Patrick, I agree and support your view. My wife and i are regularly discuss this train of thought. However there is more evidence to support imagination, emotion, environmental bias or even just religion that explain sightings than the actual potential of paranormal activity. Whilst it is...
  10. J

    Is there anything greater than a Double Stuf Oreo?

    One day you and I are going to sit in a Pub with no last orders and an inordinate amount of beer and have a conversation that can never be repeated. To protect the guilty Mitch
  11. J


    No, just poking a bit of fun. And maybe suggesting that there may be slightly more to it than your very black and white analysis, especially if you consider it from the position of the individuals or families involved. Mitch, making his own graofftopictical mistakes.
  12. J

    Restraining orders

    Can't you just have him removed?
  13. J

    fav. soft drink? v. idk

    why you hatin nugga?
  14. J

    The Trolling Thread

    White people.
  15. J

    how much does it cost to add Caracol channel to my directv package?

    I just want to add that channel. Or the least package that includes that channel
  16. J

    Comic Books

    Have you guys read sandman and akira? they cool...
  17. J

    Are Clowns Scary?

    *Looks through thread and sees clown pictures* *Starts rocking backwards and forwards, mumbling quietly in terror*
  18. J

    Another example of tolerance

    Correction. The morning paper states the punishment was 200 lashes and up to 6 months in prison which has not been disapproved of by the goverment of that country.
  19. J

    Merry Christmas

    Yeah right, and that's the vodka's fault
  20. J

    More bad police behaviour

    That's almost as likely as me becoming a policeman. I only warn people as a friendly gesture to stop them getting banned. Because the site is open to children you have to be careful what you post.