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  1. F

    Should I join?

    Shens, motherfucker, shens.
  2. F

    My New Puppy :) *Pics* Names???

  3. F

    gay or not

    stop sucking at spelling. gay.
  4. F

    Mega Pong

    That's hard! I can't get co-ordinated, one paddle goes one way, one the other. Its confussing. I got 14 as a best though
  5. F

    interesting energy drinks...

    This guy has obviously never gone out then had to go to work in the morning. Energy drinks = part of every painfully sleepy headache filled breakfast
  6. F

    should people learn about traditional gender roles?

    I'm not sure the toilet seat was a worthy invention as a whole. The amount of arguing and near philosophical debate I've heard over leaving the damn thing up or down must outweight the benefits by now? Something I've never thought about before with regard to gender roles/ I suppose sexism...
  7. F

    Soldier murdered in London

    Hence my distaste for abrahamic religion as a whole. It's not just Islam, they are just the last holdouts to keep the savagery going. Mostly, Alabama not included
  8. F

    You have to love it when someone goes for it....

    That was epic. I love the maniacal laugh at the end.
  9. F

    I would give up all of my training to be able to...

    I don't think Yiruma is a great player... He just plays simple catchy tunes. But he's no great player, Yundi Li on the other hand...
  10. F


    AYO SUM1 SAY WATARMELON IN HERE? holla atcha boy
  11. F

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" Nope, that's hoplophobia. Nice try though
  12. F


    Its me again, ya boi marvo first try
  13. F

    Should women cover up?

    I did not mean to bring up religion in the sense of what is objectively right in the sight of your God... i just meant to show that it has been a problem dating back to the foundings of our world religions. I think you ask a good question though, can we, in a relativistic society, deem...
  14. F

    Men, women, and sex

    Mine was in a bed, and it was even mine... How boring :P. That said we did climb in via the window... and a library... Anecdotally, the rape fantasies are not so simple as a fantasy to avoid "wanting sex" or particularly linked to being repressed. But hey, 'tis only anecdotal. That said, I...
  15. F

    I have a brand new eight place setting sterling silver set. Where should I sell it?

    My parents gave me an eight place setting sterling silver set and I need to sell it to raise money for my son's education. It was never taken out of the bag. Does anyone still use sterling silver? Where should I sell it?
  16. F

    What the heck...aquitted?

    There was a guy who shot a bunch of people, then pleaded insanity, saying he ate some Twinkies, and the sugar caused temporary insanity. He got off. PL
  17. F

    what is your occupation

    I'm more worried about the stuff I can't identify and the moronic students who all supposedly hold lofty degrees in law and business studies and doctorates in medicine who can't even fill in the one page deferment form properly. Even though we send out an example sheet with arrows linking...
  18. F

    something we need in Iraq

    we need Black Mask in Iraq then~ *calls jet li*
  19. F

    Where should I buy a laptop, the Internet or a big box store? ?

    Name names if you want. My daughter wants to buy a laptop and I'm concerned about purchasing one over the Internet. The prices in the store were a bit steep for us.