Search results

  1. B

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    LOL! I like being horrific!
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    Sleeping with older woman

    girls at my school are like this now. its fucking awesome. i love high school!
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    Police Burtality or Preformance of Duty???

    Unneccesary violence from what I know(the video). The guys wrists were both under control, so where was the need to punch him?
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    Toilet/Mobile Phone Etiquette...

    I end up taking so much crap some days that I often wonder if it would be more appropriate to be sitting on a toilet.
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Yes. We need to urgently vote Frodo in as the next Prime Minister.
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    Where to live in the future..possibly?

    No thanks - I'd rather live where I do now!
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    Zimmerman Martin Case

    Zimmerman helps rescue a family in an over-turned car.
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    Guns and Glory

    Oh, absolutely, this is still one I want. I've long since acquired all the guns I 'need', I'm well into the 'want' list.
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    Basically, it's sort of like a massive role playing game where you log any exercise you do and collect points for it. There are quests to complete, i.e. certain exercise routines to score you more points and challenges to see who can, e.g. do 15 pullups to score you even moar points. There's...
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    In Search of Higgs Boson

    QFT On the solar stuff, yes completely I agree that it can produce energy in sufficient amounts if you build extremely large-scale complexes (but "personal solar" on the roof of a house does not provide enough energy to meaningfully cover a person's energy budget) Assuming the developing...
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    Humiliation: A story about a boy, a girl, and a boxer brief full of poop.

    i wuda drop kicked that kid and proably moved 2 a new city. but in all seriousness i feel terible 4 u
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    How many types of animal have you eaten?

    I've got a mate (from England) who lives in Thailand, and his Thai girlfriend wanted to cook a tarantula they caught. Apparantly it's quite a delicacy over there.
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    The phrase "HaTeRz" and the idiots that use it.

    The phrase "HaTeRz" and the idiots that use it. We're going to need a bigger boat.
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    What computer for graduation present?

    so your asking us to decide which fisher-price activity center is better?
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    May be going

    Ok if anyone cares about me then I maybe gone for several days since my network card's gone to the moon and I will have no connection to the big bad internet except for the cyber cafe which is a 20 min drive from my place from where I am posting this, so it may be a while before I come back...
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    Ninja vs Pirate!

    Woot! Anyone who wants a picture of Immolation sending to them, let me know! Bwah hah hah! I'm starting the bidding at £1.00
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    Rigged elections?

    No i dont think ill post too much on politics.
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    My finger fell into a rotating cheese grater at work and..

    You guys are just like adults. =)
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    Is there a way that I can end my sprint contract to go to a new company?

    your dad is correct. You will have to pay the contract off and it is normally between $200 - $350 buckaroos
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    Would you like to know the trivia answers for US 99.5 Americas Country...

    Champions = C Country = 1993 Extra = B Famous = C Hot Jobs Trivia = Worst-Case Scenario Survival Tactics for Job Seekers Spiral Frog: Rolling Stones Villains = A Thank you - have a great weekend!