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  1. P

    Scots check in

    I'm half Scot half Alabama-ian living in Texas, been to Scotland twice looking forward to a third visit
  2. P

    Boxers or briefs?

    boxer briefs
  3. P

    earliest class this year

    mon & wed is 10 tues & thurs is 11
  4. P

    something wierd just happened

    You should write a book.
  5. P

    Can I be a minor and buy a car?

    You can drive at 14 in my state.
  6. P

    muslim racism

    This image offends me greatly... There shouldn't be an apostrophe in "its". "it's" means "it is" or "it has". "Europe you will pay. Your 9/11 is on it is way." "Europe you will pay. Your 9/11 is on it has way." Neither of these makes any sense. No wonder he is hiding his face! He probably...
  7. P

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    no, the top shelf is where she keeps the skulls.
  8. P

    250$ what to get?

  9. P

    Six degrees of seperation

    Michael J Fox's mum use to work for my uncle, so that gives me links to a whole host of Hollywood types.
  10. P

    Health Paper, Hilarity Ensues

    ;45833307']wat grade are you in?
  11. P

    What are you doing right now?

    solution: skip dinner, proceed directly to cake.
  12. P

    Is it me, or has this world truly.....

    Actually, those are pretty poor comparisons here. A proper comparison would be something like an example of people being forced to pretend that the short sighted individual has perfect vision, or people forced to pretend that the extra-fingered individual never had a finger there to begin with...
  13. P

    Violent vs Peaceful protest

    *resists making joke about frenchmen running away from college* don't know about the drop out rates, but according to and...
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    The Love Thread

    Which is no problem if you've trained in Combat Ki
  15. P

    if you had the chance

    yup i know i know... chinese actresses -TkdWarrior-
  16. P

    Epic Threads ????

    People got gay with it and runied it in a day, that thread failed. top 3: -armadilo hunting(old school), i dont think the pics are even up anymore. -Orginal stickam raids, Zach's stright denied that whore of dick in box. -ST:SH: OCT07, wasn't really all that epic but was a blast to read and...
  17. P

    Why does my wife always complain about sleeping downstairs when my girlfriend

    visits for the weekend? I just want my guest to be happy and comfortable. Why is my wife opposed to that?
  18. P

    Forgot to pick up my wife's shirt at the cleaners, when she called me on...

    ...the phone I kind of? got the feeling she was mad at me? Also, yesterday she ran into my g/f in the supermarket. Could that have something to do with it or is this all because I forgot to stop at the dry cleaners today?
  19. P

    Wife won't pay for my girlfriend to come on vacation with us?

    In fact, she got very mean and nasty when I brought it up. Why is she so unreasonable?
  20. P

    How do I put music on my new LG enV phone?

    Is there a way I can connect my phone to my computer and put songs onto my phone? (I have my music in itunes on my computer) How many songs will I be able to put on my phone?