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  1. O

    Is there a Nutrition website?

    Is there a website where you can input your medical condition and it tells you what you should be eating? For example, I have been diagnosed with Diverticulitis and Gout....with those 2 conditions, what should I be eating????
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    Cell phone or Pager for an old building?

    We have a business in a large, old, noisy building and have no loud speakers in the plant. We have the need to find our maintenance man and/or plant manager on a daily basis. Would a cell phone or pager be better for them to carry. It is a noisy environment with a lot of equipment running so...
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    I need help with my WII system?

    When I went to play Tiger Woods today the color is all off. kind of a green. Can I fix that and how? Please help grandad. Thanks.
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    why can't I load any gadgets onto my desktop ????

    I used to have gadgets on my desktop, and now I can't load any back? I run Vista Home Premium
  5. O

    got one antenna got multi. tvs can I get one box to work all when other... are on different channels? Thanks? Got 6 tvs in this household and it's kind of an old fashioned commune and we all like to watch tv in our own private areas. One likes reality and one likes sitcoms and I like public. We need a box that can do multi stations. We only got 6 stations ...