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  1. E

    New video

    The problem with war is that it is very subjective. People who are fighting don't want to be fighting for nothing, and civilians who oppose the war often don't state clearly enough why. I oppose both wars - Iraq moreso than Afghanistan. But that doesn't mean I'm against troops simply doing...
  2. E

    South Park episode comes to life

    his name is jos'e jalipino........they went to mehico.
  3. E

    Man Federation!

    damn straight
  4. E

    Google fun

    That's wicked! And it works on any site
  5. E

    Who Shares your birthday

    1994 Largest milkshake (1,955 gallons of chocolate-Nelspruit South Africa) birth 1324 David II Bruce, king of Scotland (1331..71) were practically related!!! :dodgy:
  6. E

    Who gave you/why did you choose such nickname?

    My nickname everyone in my family calls me you would transfer to english as little poop, the hmong language it is used as little one, eh, guess i was the smallest out of my siblings. If you knew how to talk in hmong you'd say why is your name little S***? but for real, its suppose to...
  7. E

    Emergency Aid to Earthquake/Tsunami Victims

    Aye, mam (who made the donation for me) is too
  8. E

    Pizza: New York vs. Chicago

    Right now, I'd settle for either New York or Chicago pizza. Just try getting good pizza where I live.
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    The Carnivore Thread

    Currently really enjoying Crispy Beef. I want some Whale meat though.
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    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" It could... but then we'd have to ban it.
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    The Big Cat Thread

    He is a lucky little boy. People need to remember that they are putting themselves in the food chain when they go too far out in the woods & they may not always be at the top. Hopefully, he will have a full recovery & can forget the whole ordeal. The parents will never let him get that far out...
  12. E

    Your top 10 possessions

    Record collection, books, wife ,dog, stereo, TV, wine collection , guitar, compound of the twins
  13. E

    Anti-Science Sentiment

    You got me wrong. I was saying that people who think science is stuck in the 18th century irk me. Newton, while an obvious genius, was also a bit of a git and the determinism that he engendered led some scientists up the garden path. But that's changed now.
  14. E

    U.S. annexes Canada!!!!

    Really? We would have to do some kind of Net Present Value analysis of our future tax revenue stream then hand the cash over to the South. They'd get a tax break and we'd get universal healthcare! Unfortunately, you'd just end up with a bunch of New Englanders... We do make good chowder!
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    dating someone

    or frank
  16. E

    Martial Artists really should not take drugs

    I have to wonder what his mental-state was prior to the drug use. I mean, I myself, and most of the people I have known over the years have partaken of certain hallucinogens (not deliriant class) on many occasions, the worst thing I ever witnessed was an *emotional melt down or two. Nothing...
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    The Word Game IV

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    Musicians check in!

    I play the guitar. Used to be singer in a band but it was just a couple of gigs and an excuse to get drunk. ahh they were the days!
  19. E

    Is minimum wage going up this month?

    Yes its going to increase to $6.55. But this really doesnt matter to most people because although minimum wage increases, so does the prices for everything else each year like food, clothing, etc. So the increase really doesnt matter, you still get the same for your money, thats why they...
  20. E

    Are there any DVD/VCR combos players that can also record?

    Walmart is anti american thats why. Here is every website on the internet with what you are looking for, take your pick: