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    Lion Man Abertura

    I'd really like a jet pack you know.....
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    my mom found an empty bottle of jager..

    sorry man im not a fan of cosmos
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    Horse meat - Muslims, Christians, Jews etc.

    That sounds nasty.
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    Who Does the Cooking?

    Sucks no one got this, I cook most nights, my wife helps.
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    Election Day! America rejects war...

    "The days of the do-nothing Congress are over," declared Democratic Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, in line to become majority leader. "In Iraq and here at home, Americans have made clear they are tired of the failures of the last six years." To say that the democrats are a do-nothing party or...
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    Uxbridge English Dictionary

    Sexpot - To determine the gender of cannabis. Paintings - Jamaican torture implements.
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    Duh! How do you think I'm... uh... heylookwhatisthatbehindyou!
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    "ban this sick filth"

    "ban this sick filth" The comments on the article suggest that the article was, at one point, heavily strike oriented. I wouldn't be surprised if the DM edited the article after realising how bad the backlash was. If you look at the comments with high and low ratings, you'll see that even DM...
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    Hardcore porn accidentally broadcast on Prime TV

    Get out of the metal thread and never come back you faggot.
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    A question about Americanisms!

    Americans also have terrible graofftopicr. Such as in "If I was a rich girl". The correct word is "were". "Were" dammit.
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    The pope partially changes his stance on condoms

    Papal Infallibility has been upgraded infallibly to Papal Infallibile Revision to counter negative public opinion.
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    Which Ninja Turtle Would You Be?

    Good Call DarkFlames21, love the pic. Raphael is the guy who you want on your side, you know he'll never puss out. That's who I voted for. That guy is so berzerker he totally flips out and kills people ALL THE TIME and has REAL ULTIMATE POWER. You can either love Raphael or get pizza rammed down...
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    question YOda Questions 5 through 7 will take a lot of thinking 6 and 7 are on the next page try to see if u can answer the rest too U have 5 out of 5 right now
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    Im going Army, officer or enlisted

    I know nothing about joining the armed forces, but it sounds like a good idea as posted earlier to go enlisted for a while first and then go officer, as you'd know what it's like when you're in charge of people in the same situation.
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    Fighting Robots

    How cool are these little guys... Robot UFC!!!
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    When some one of another religion comes to your door, what do you do?

    Just take the papers or whatever, and have a phone in your hand to make it look like your on the phone.
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    Salman Rushdie Knighted by the Queen!!!

    I'll summurise what I've already posted. He shouldn't because the reason fro being knighted were his books. Now, a particular book clealry shows religious intolerance and hatred as well as mickey taking (lack of better phrase). Therefore, by awarding him, you are essentially awarding intolerance.
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    What would you do if you went to the bathroom and that Burger King guy popped out of

    I would scream....He scares me too!!!
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    Who else is celebrating with Iran on their "We can make a nuclear bomb" Holiday?

    Haven't heard of that yet. We should always be worried Iran.