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  1. M

    Mind Numbing Boredom

    If counting your bathroom tiles for the 37th time in an hour is better than work. You really need to get a different job.
  2. M

    Woman of the year 2006

    What catagory are you entering? Why Should we vote for you?
  3. M

    Iraq poised to hand control of oil fields to foreign firms

    I somehow doubt that under pressure from the United States they will be able to do so. While on one hand they're trumpeting democracy for - they are most likely going to not allow this issue to be democratically decided. That's the funny thing about puppet governments and installed states.
  4. M


    yeah this is it my girlfriends on birth control (pill), but even with perfect use, it's not 100%, so condoms (ultra thin) + BC is how it goes edit: I'm not sure how to vote, because yeah, they suck, but I love not being a father?
  5. M

    Green Porno My favorite is probably the praying mantis. Discuss.
  6. M

    Why is Democracy better than everything?

    I'd choose to live in a democracy on any given day. There are 'flaws' and inequity in every system but democracy allows the greatest number of people to have a say (already mentioned by previous posters).
  7. M

    Medical school or Law school?

    Well do you want to be a doctor or a lawyer. . . .
  8. M

    shit im fucked

    my friend used to jerk off into a bandanna in his car until one day another one of my friends did not know this and proceeded to wear it over his face for about an hour until we told him. His new name is jizzmouth
  9. M

    I saw a heavily pregnant woman smoking today.

    Because it's wrong and by saying something it might,however unlikely, cause them to stop. It might not be my baby but she's potentially harming an unborn baby and i find that wrong. Just like if I saw a woman constantly feeding her baby child alcohol I would be tempted to say something.
  10. M

    Have you seen this woman before?

    Have you seen this woman before? She reminds me a bit of Angelina Jolie crossed with kristen Kreuk. Is she an actress or something?
  11. M

    TSR relationship

    23!!?! You told me I was special. :(
  12. M

    US embassies attacked

    If you're going to reduce it to that level of simplicity, then you could also say that no one will try and burn down your embassy or assasinate you for saying that you don't believe in the holocaust.
  13. M

    Stolen laptop turns into epicness...

    i seen this on in the misc. section, it can never be a small talk
  14. M

    Possible Project?

    LOL!! Sorry man. But hey, if you're anywhere near McHenry Ill, I'll come join just cause I know ya!
  15. M

    Why marriage?

    What hurts kids more: a) Two divorced parents who have a cordial relationship and are committed to raising their children together, but apart? or b) Two miserable married parents who hate each other and fight constantly? Anyone who thinks option A is worse, is probably a member of the option...
  16. M


    because all football fans like fighting with other football fans ?
  17. M

    so who here likes whiskey

    fuck no. that shits nasty
  18. M

    What would you do?

    read my sig
  19. M

    The huge posterior what causes this?

    Yes cake makes large bums. It's essential we discuss all the causes. Alcohol is another cause. Especially rum. Which I hear is even more deadly when mixed with chocolate cake.