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  1. P

    How do I unlock an Iphone 3g too Tmobile?

    I need help with this does anyone know?
  2. P

    Can Riding A Bike Help U Get ABs?

    I want abs really bad but crunches hurt like hell feels like my ribs are stabbing my organs inside me. and this girl said she got abs from riding a bike. Is this true can u really get abs just from riding a bike?
  3. P

    Can Riding A Bike Help U Get ABs?

    I want abs really bad but crunches hurt like hell feels like my ribs are stabbing my organs inside me. and this girl said she got abs from riding a bike. Is this true can u really get abs just from riding a bike?
  4. P

    How do I jailbreak my new Iphone 3g V. 3.1.3?

    Just got my new Iphone 3g today and i am wondering how to jailbreak it to get free games and such, Ive heard that the free app program is called cydia or something like that and i am really wondering how to jailbreak it. Does anyone have a good website that they have tried? The version of my...
  5. P

    How to flatten out my stomach and shape up my thighs and legs?

    I'm about 20 pounds overweight (60kg, 5'2, 14 yrs old). I'm okay with 20 pounds overweight... but I would like to shape up my body. What sort of exercises can I do, how often every day, etc.?
  6. P

    what fish eye can i use for my camcorder?

    well for Christmas i just got a Canon Zr900, it says 2.6-96.2mm on top of it, it looks pretty small can this even hold a fisheye?
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    i am trying to upload a 4gb video but i dont know where too?

    where can i upload it :/?
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    Travelling to Thailand, but have previous conviction for drugs!!?

    A few years back i was convicted of selling weed will i still be allowed in to thailand for a holiday or will i be refused entry?
  9. P

    Travelling to Thailand, but have previous conviction for drugs!!?

    A few years back i was convicted of selling weed will i still be allowed in to thailand for a holiday or will i be refused entry?