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  1. P

    So i might be beaten to death..

    dude how did u know hes mexican? :nododgy:
  2. P

    Honesty for the above person

    I'm still there occasionally. I haven't seen you in there for a while Victoria - married to AdamSmurf
  3. P

    Teh Mudkipz Lives!

  4. P

    My fish are bumping themselves on rocks in my aquarium?

    they're trying to kill themselves so they don't have to live with you anymore.
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    I'm bored. No job. Friends all have jobs. Blah blah. I'd like some suggestions too!
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    Ah,well we have a shop in Lancaster that should sell it,we also have a Polish shop which I havent been into yet for fear of buying and eating too much Baklava! Failing that,goold ole internet wont fail me.
  7. P


    Any chance of seeing a picture of the Rammstein one on here Madfrog, wouldn't mind seeing it. lisa xx
  8. P

    What the hell does it mean to have fun?

    don't worry about your brother. do what makes you happy. i used to very much be the guy that drank, drank, drank, smoked, smoked, smoked. but now, after a couple drinks and a couple tokes, i'm pretty much ready to get it over with and go home to bed or hang out with my wife or watch a movie...
  9. P

    Gaddafi is dead

    Sorry Silp, Now while I think NE may be guilty sometimes of PUI, I happen to agree with this statement. If there are so many Muslims against a "Holy War" then why aren't they protesting it, or at least publicly speaking out against it. And what makes you think we're not in WWIII seems there is...
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    Poll: Yahoo or Google

    Yahoo is a cluttered mess and Google is to the point.
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    Change the song name

    Down in the ground where the dead men go - the Pogues
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    How do I unlock an Iphone 3g too Tmobile?

    I need help with this does anyone know?
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    edit: Chugga Chugga woo woo!
  14. P

    Can Riding A Bike Help U Get ABs?

    I want abs really bad but crunches hurt like hell feels like my ribs are stabbing my organs inside me. and this girl said she got abs from riding a bike. Is this true can u really get abs just from riding a bike?
  15. P

    Can Riding A Bike Help U Get ABs?

    I want abs really bad but crunches hurt like hell feels like my ribs are stabbing my organs inside me. and this girl said she got abs from riding a bike. Is this true can u really get abs just from riding a bike?
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    How do I jailbreak my new Iphone 3g V. 3.1.3?

    Just got my new Iphone 3g today and i am wondering how to jailbreak it to get free games and such, Ive heard that the free app program is called cydia or something like that and i am really wondering how to jailbreak it. Does anyone have a good website that they have tried? The version of my...
  17. P

    pics of yr room V.eleventeen niner

    Sick, that's a pretty sweet idea. I wish i saved all the ones i have. I'll be saving them starting this winter since ill be drinking them a lot. Gotta stay away some how on the long drives home from the mountain after snowboarding.
  18. P

    Why do many U.S. Christians assume that Einstein believed in the Christian God?

    because they're idiots. and they like to assume things without doing the proper research.