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  1. N

    The Small Talk Holiday Scavenger Hunt of 07/08 Info (teams are full)

    . It'd mess up the even-ness :xeyed:
  2. N


    Son of a... Well, there goes my plans for this weekend.
  3. N

    Thought of the Day

    Maybe if you DID make a lot of noise during your #2's then you wouldn't have to put up with them coming to stay with you very often.
  4. N

    Video camera recommendations

    Just checked and mine isn't a Canon, it's a Panasonic HC-V700. Very good it is too, Which were spot on. Mitch
  5. N

    PSA: Attention Small Talk

    I can always count on airplane to find the free food, I tip my hat to you good sir!
  6. N

    I hate Christmass.

    Last time I checked, participation wasn't mandatory. You can opt out and blow it off. You'll have to suffer through the TV ads, commercial and "get presents" hype etc, but you can simply ignore it like a bad movie. I don't necessary hate it, but I wish it didn't run so long. Christmas has...
  7. N

    Please HELP with Islamic/Arab protocol

    My Pop works over in Qatar, and he recommended me the book "How to Talk to an Arab." Might be a good resource to start with, but Mitlov's advice is really good.
  8. N

    the moon

    That was actually buzz aldrin, I recently had to draw up some decorative art for an article about the whole silly "fake moon landing" bit at school that detailed what happened.
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    I must admit that I am alot nicer to English people from call centres than Indian people, which I realise is in a way pretty racist, its just that they're so much easier to talk to and polite. BT ect would sell so much more if they bothered to train their staff in basic English.
  10. N

    McPhallus (Stranger saw my junk)

    He kept it real, and didn't make a big deal about it. Real men can do that. Its just a dick. I'm sure you are the kind of guy that will go in a stall and piss if there is only a urinal open next to a guy. Homophobic kids these days.
  11. N

    so st....

    . or nail his head to a tree and cut off his body
  12. N

    Starring at titties = 5 years

    well. I guess we now know why Old man Jenkins is still alive
  13. N

    calling all of st

    show them this
  14. N

    Make a wish, .. and have it corrupted!

    Granted, However the handwraps are so stupifying awesome the neighbours are building a religion around them and you will soon be found a heretic and crucified... no comebacks I wish i understood what people are actually trying to say to me when they dont say it straight..
  15. N

    5 things you hate

    Being an American its hardly suprising you've not come across this particularly often. Being non-American I can tell you that when I travelled through America & Canada usually at least once a day I had someone tell me they would like to go to Ireland to get in touch with their heritage. America...
  16. N

    Gmail question? When I send photos from my tmobil cell it wont show up in my gmail?

    Gmail marks some messages as spam and blocks them before they even reach your inbox, and it might be doing this to your phone's messages. Try putting your phone's email as one of your Gmail contacts (if you don't know how to do this, your phone company might be able to tell you). See if that...
  17. N

    Gmail question? When I send photos from my tmobil cell it wont show up in my gmail?

    Gmail marks some messages as spam and blocks them before they even reach your inbox, and it might be doing this to your phone's messages. Try putting your phone's email as one of your Gmail contacts (if you don't know how to do this, your phone company might be able to tell you). See if that...