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  1. O

    Do you follow a clothing trend?

    If the shirt isnt from a discount store or walmart....and is like 20 bucks or under....I dont T's....Adidas...Whatever Any cheap popular brand....Normal jeans....and whatever shoe I see I like....nikes...NB....etnies....adidas....whatever No trend I dont...
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    The chicken and egg question finally solved!!!

    My dad is a big fan of the old salted duck egg, but I can't stand it. I mean, does it have to be that salty?
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    Army Concludes: No Abuse at Guantanamo Bay

    You essentially did. Go back and read your post. You lumped them all together. You've deliberately painted them all as the same thing. One in the same. Peas in a pod so to speak. I don't think you could have stated it any more clearly or concisely.
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    Shameless plug for a good cause

    Still in a fundraising slump. If things don't pick up soon I'm going to have to start littering this thread with bad jokes...
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    Are you guys crazy yet?

    shut up.
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    "decency" of dress

    "decency" of dress Ethnocentrism makes baby Jesus cry.
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    calling all cali brodudes

    yo brohoe peacin out
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    Tabacco products.

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    RIP Nelson Mandela

    I stumbled across this (link below). Quite a shocking opinion whichever side of the freedom fighter/terrorist fence you are on. Oh, sorry...did I ruin the chat about Star Trek ()? I'll let you...
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    If I order a "lollo rosso" lettuce on the Internet, won't they just think...

    They'll take it personally and ban you from I'm sorry for your loss.
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    simple. Say this: 'mwah + you = NO TITTIES.' Job done.
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    I've been called Bigfoot for years. Not because of my foot size, but rather my ability to step on just about anyones feet. I have a few students with nicknames too. One is called Smurf, because he is very little and was a blue belt for quite a while. An other is She-Devil, because she really...
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    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" This argument bothers me. A lot. An EXACT parallel is that "domestic violence isn't gonna change so long as responsible people think that the choking and punching done by other people are the problem rather than the choking and punching they...
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    How can I work on my ego?

    I think we all go through this at various stages of our lives. You post could also read, "I'm doing better than others in some areas of my life". It's very easy for a positive person to say, "what have you got to worry about", when it's not them with the problems. I have slowly taught...
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    Twit jailed for tweet

    Send the po-po round his house with hammers to smash up his smart-phone, i-pad, laptop and PC. Licence to use digital media = revoked
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    Chiropractic - Discussion of Legitimacy

    Chiropractors essentially can do what I like to call nukite and shutos on your back and neck. They can for example straighten your spine, move bones back into place if you happen to knock one out, and fix pulled muscles and sprains. I have been going to them since i was about four and they do...
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    gray or grey?

    Im all about the E > A
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    Everybody Draw Mohammad Day

    Sure, I did say "anyone devout enough to want government like Iran" would find it a nightmare. And in answer to your question, yes I have and it went just like you said. I don't think muslims are weird or bad people, I just think religion by definition is weird and bad. I'm sure there are plenty...
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    Fuck her man. 10 bucks says she'll come back to you if you completely ignore her from now on.
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    Facebook + Dirty pictures = Hahaha oops, everyone hates me now

    I just hope she doesn't have any older brothers. I know what I'd do if it was one of my sisters.