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  1. 6

    Where can i download a really easy dvd ripper that is NOT magic dvd ripper?

    Also could you please get free trials? Thanks!
  2. 6

    Poll: Parents, would you let your teenage son go on a trip with his

    I personally know my mom wouldn't let me in less she knew the family realllyyyyyyy well. and she did let me do that once but it was only because i knew the guy really well and she knew him well too. If i was in the sitch with my son i would have to know the parents and i would have to know the...
  3. 6

    English help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    Please Help, I am having a reading comprehension test, however, I have no Idea how to summarize well, any tips.I escpecially have trouble starting out, as I hate doing the overused "this article is about......." How would I go about making a good introduction.Also, where would it be good to add...
  4. 6

    i need help with writing a introduction? Please?

    A good introduction starts with a good hook. You want to draw the reader in and really capture their interest. Just the mention of that book reminds me of the time I visited Dachau concentration camp in Germany. It really made the Holocaust real for me and was one of the most profound...
  5. 6

    have fun playing with this one... (please help!!!)?

    Riley sticks out like a sore thumb in that list. It's too trendy sounding. How about Elliot Aaron instead.
  6. 6

    is some one there to become my girl friend?

    I was just about to tell you that you can't just ask a million girls if they want to be your girlfriend. Then I was gonna start telling you why you can't do that.But, ya got me, lol. Friendship is okay.And besides, friends like eachother no matter if they're ugly or the most beautiful person in...
  7. 6

    is some one there to become my girl friend?

    hi im single and willing to be your cyber gf haha. you didnt mention your age which makes things kinda difficult. i have been told i have a great personality and i wouldnt consider my self ugly haha if your interested rate me best answer and ill work it out from there...etc etc xoxo
  8. 6

    This question drives me crazy and some people look at me like a liar when i answer

    truthfully? Ok..So i am pregnant with my second set of twins. Yay!! when people find this out they are like "How is that possible?" "Did you use treatmeants of some sort?" it drives me crazy....Twins run in my family BIG TIME. I am a twin. I have 1 set of twins in my sibling family and i have 5...