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  1. C

    Against Animal Cruelty

    Damn right I do, I am very much against animal cruelty and it makes me sick when I see the things people get away with. I wont even buy my own set of goves or focus mits because they are made of leather, I'd rather wear the club gloves (which leave a slimy layer on your hands and a smell that...
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    The "What are your unanswered questions" thread. They would get pwned by the giraffes...its a fact, they can whirl there heads around at about 236mph. You could smash through walls with a cantaloupe going that why not a giraffes head?
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    Yeah it's a bit nuts to be honest. About 5 years ago I almost set up a civet farm in the southern Philippines to harvest this type of coffee. Lots of small coffee farms that grow both Arabica and Robusta in the mountains in Davao and plenty of civets willing to eat coffee cherries. It wouldn't...
  4. C

    Oh Damn! Supersize that ass whoopin!!!

    What I saw: Guy gets verbally assaulted, should have walked away and had the manager deal with it. Guy gets physically assaulted, should have walked away and had the manager deal with, then called the police and filed a report. He was behind a counter. Yes they succeeded in a simple assault...
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    Happy Birthday Flaming!

    Happy Birthday Mr Scapular Retraction! Hope you have a good one mate.
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    Happy Birthday Mrs Owt!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    it was definitely more than that
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    This ones for Slipthejab!

    hahaha... my my my... I think that I'll plead the 5th here.
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    The No-Topic Thread

    I've had that very same feeling a LOT in the past and unfortunately responded to it every time ny quitting. NOT going to let that happen to my Wushu and Tai Chi, but take a break like Bigmikey suggested, just force my mind off things as well as subject myself to "you don't know what you have...
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    Anti-Science Sentiment

    Doesn't mean it's not extremely useful. Also, soon you'll find out that quantum mechanics is wrong too.
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    What do we think of this?

    I've heard of a few bankers that got hooked but never a normal regular Joe person, that's why they invented crack, it's just too expensive for not wealthy people to get started. It's a treat that costs £100 a night, not that many people can continue that for a few days so they don't get bitten
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    Pear harbour is in the pacific, the 1993 WTC attack never even happened and oklahoma city was one of your home-grown retards. You're proud to be an idiot?
  12. C

    new picture battle

    damn to late again
  13. C

    Ford Ranger 2005 Bad Ground. WHERE?

    I have a 2005 Ford Ranger Fx4 Ext. Cab 4.0L and the thing died on me today right after I hit a pothole. This happened less than a year ago and I spent about $300 to have a mechanic fix a "bad ground." I called them up today and asked them the where-abouts of this ground issue and they said it...
  14. C

    Ford Ranger 2005 Bad Ground. WHERE?

    I have a 2005 Ford Ranger Fx4 Ext. Cab 4.0L and the thing died on me today right after I hit a pothole. This happened less than a year ago and I spent about $300 to have a mechanic fix a "bad ground." I called them up today and asked them the where-abouts of this ground issue and they said it...
  15. C

    5 things you hate

    1) People that brake on the highway for no reason. 2) People that don't accelerate fast enough when getting on to the highway. 3) People that don't take accountability for their actions. 4) People that try to force things on you IE religion, vacuum cleaners, etc. 5) People that don't seem to...
  16. C

    2001 Hyundai Tiburon CLICKING NOISE?

    2001 Hyundai Tiburon 1.4L 4 Cylinder Manual Transmission. There is a loud clicking noise, and I believe it has something to do with the injectors as the noise is coming from that area. I know injectors click, but this is abnormally loud. The ticking has gotten considerably louder within the...
  17. C

    What celebrity is the closest thing to satan?

    Gene Simmons? Both have some serious tongue.
  18. C

    I downloaded music torrents but when I play them in iTunes, they won't finish

    WELL if it's a copyright thing, you ought to consider NOT violating other's copyrights. That's how you "fix" that. It's also possible that the song you're downloading is actually coming from several sources in bits and pieces and being assembled by your pc, and your pc isn't getting all the...
  19. C

    I downloaded music torrents but when I play them in iTunes, they won't finish

    WELL if it's a copyright thing, you ought to consider NOT violating other's copyrights. That's how you "fix" that. It's also possible that the song you're downloading is actually coming from several sources in bits and pieces and being assembled by your pc, and your pc isn't getting all the...
  20. C

    Does an XBOX360 play HD DVD's ??

    THe Xbox360 won't play HD DVD's unless you bought (note, past tense) an HD-DVD drive for it -it an extra. It's no longer available, but soon you will be able to get a Blu-Ray Hi-def drive for it instead. otherwise, the Xbox360 does only Standard Definition DVD playback. You can also download...