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  1. M

    physical tomorrow...

    Last time I got a physical my doctor was like, "Alright, now the fun part, i get to play with your balls for a while" but he was totally joking, its awkward because his I have gone to school with his kids since I was like 5.
  2. M

    write the formula that results from Ca2+ and N3-?

    need help in formulating combination of ionic pairs..... Ca2+ and N3-
  3. M

    Some people....

    This thread gets my vote for creepiest of the year.
  4. M


    I thought Blue Mountain Jamaica was THE best coffee. In England that goes for about 4 - 5 times the price of a normal quality bean if I remember right. Sorry to be unimaginative, but I'd start with quality Columbian and go from there. You just can't go wrong with Columbian. Moccha (SP?) -...
  5. M

    Posting rut.

    Why are you torturing me like this?
  6. M

    Dressing up in ladies clothes!!

    I think it may have been this, post 52:
  7. M

    What can cause ALT levels to rapidly increase?

    Any virosis lately? There are various of viruses which may attack liver and damage it even if you don't feel sick. It could be some pills you take everyday-like some vitamins or artificial sweetener or similar? What about contraceptives-if you are a women ofcourse? Where do you work-is it some...
  8. M

    Destinee gets tazed

    Well...yeah, the police wouldn't rely on them if they didn't work.
  9. M

    parents and non parents.

    By "different levels of understanding", you mean "lesser levels of understanding"? If you've never had a child, you ipso facto do not know what it is like to have a child. The goal posts have moved so much in this thread, I don't even know what is being debated anymore
  10. M

    Margaret Thatcher has died

    You sound like a union rep. I took that job in a situation where it was legal fwiw. Same job in the UK mandated a 15min break every hr and no more than 8hr shifts, double pay if it was past a certain hour. 1 hr paid more than a day where I went, but I went regardless as the options were...
  11. M

    The American Infallibility Complex

    ....and more snow obviously!
  12. M

    MAP is growing

    aka 'Database error'
  13. M

    Death penalty

    I'm for the death penalty, but only if the method of execution is funny. Hanging, electrocution or lethal injection just don't do it for me. We need more hilarious booby traps and ten-foot mickey mice as executioners.
  14. M

    Questions of Morality

    Fuck a guy?
  15. M

    Death to Catherine Tate

    Stepping outside the series I may well agree with you there
  16. M


    Maybe you should also ask in TTMA to also block ST along with STT too.
  17. M

    Anime/Manga Recommendations

    ME TOO! After the Shishio section though I had get off the series and switch to the Manga. To the TS if you like the Neon Evangelion Movie you might like Rin, which is not as dark but is slightly twisted and very sexual and quasi-religious. They got angels too. Ga Rei Zero- Dark and depressing...
  18. M

    My woman or my girl?

    Now I'm confused. I got one of my EBay accounts stopped for selling children. Go figure??
  19. M

    Public Sector Cutbacks

    That's a tough one Taff. Outside my area of expertise really. But I'd contact SLC to see if there's anything they are willing to do to help. Maybe you can have payments deferred for a bit or maybe they can reduce your payments. Do you still have a UK based bank account? Perhaps you could set up...
  20. M

    Lurkers...Reveal Yourselves!

    Just based on a quick look through the members list, I would guess about 1200 members who have never posted -- either somevery good lurkers, or very new members, or both! I think it's good to lurk for a while before posting -- that way, you learn all the "do's and dont's" (more than what you'd...