Search results

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    Kid kills wild Boar with Revolver

    I was hoping to find one like that, but had to deal with a mere 300 pd dude. Oh well. Some have all the luck. Sort of a funny story about it being home grown and not totally wild. I remember when In the early 60s hunting them with Bow and arrows on the Islands of Catalina and Santa Cruz...
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    My House Was On Tv !!

    was that in bangladesh, yeah!
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    Would now be a bad time to try and find a job?

    just get a semi-good job and don't suck enough to get fired. edit: aren't we already in a recession?
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    gore gore gadget!

    My cat caught some weird looking rodent and only left me the head on my doorstep. It looked like the face of a muskrat but it was about as large as a mouse's head. Any guesses?
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    Movie being made on my street jennifer gardner

    I really care.
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    So..... Im a father..

    So was momma duck loose or what?
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    being sick.....been ill for four days now
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    FireFox vs Interner Explorer vs Safari

    Safari ftw....for some reason firefox is slow as nutsack on my mac....
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    My tattoo.. thoughts and opinions...

    Shadowdh, did you get it done, if so lets see the result. ik p.s. not unless you got it in a private area instead of your shoulder
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    Preparing for the big game: No masturbation or lots of masturbation?

    i do believe i'm going to stop masturbating. apparently if you dont masturbate, you get huge muscles and lots of hair. kinda like east german woman.
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    "ban this sick filth"

    "ban this sick filth" You can't start banning newspapers. You just can't. It's the slipperiest slope of them all.
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    st, I bring u.

    Oh. Carry on then.
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    problems with itunes account?

    hi,my friend was house sitting for me whilst i was away and he used my laptop to see if he could get music off itunes.i already had my ipod touch hooked up to my laptop and had my own itunes account with my debit card set up on he has my email account and needs my password when he...
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    You should be scared. They're going to eat us, man. EAT US.
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    Death in Dreams

    yeah i've died in dreams nuclear strike seems to be a popular one damn you terminator 2
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    Feeling a bit useless

    Learn to drive while you have free time. Go to the job centre to get sales assistant job then choose a career with lots of demand. Im doing a biology degree with a biology teacher being the only job and there are plenty of them so im stupid.
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    what would u do if........

    One time a guy just asked me for money and I gave it to him. He wasnt a mugger at all, just a guy in financial rough times. Dont know why on earth he picked me outta all the people in the mall that day, but I gave him like 20 dollars. I hope he used it well. So, if a mugger wanted some, I'd give...
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    What should i do, i found a broken thermometer in my medicine basket and i can...

    ...not find the mercury!? I,ve notice that i have been sick for a while now could it be mercury poisoning? and how do i clean it if i cant find it?
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    Which species of chiclids is right for me?

    Thinking about setting up a 55gl chiclid only tank. Ive gotten some ideas for the tank setup but i havent found the right chiclids yet. There are so many it just confuses me. I want a nice color display out of the fish and 6" and under. Im also looking for some that are easy to find and somewhat...
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    What is the function of a tail on a dog?

    For example: On a monkey its for balance.