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  1. F

    Ouch.. my nipples..

    Wow, you're a real hardass. The OP asked for help, not to be rediculed and called a pussy.
  2. F

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    poor you :[
  3. F

    Chewbacca Arrested

    LMAO. Gotta love the lameness of the police spokesperson. This story has made my morning. cheers
  4. F

    i want to watch a sad film so i can justify my need to cry

    then watch a different movie.
  5. F

    where can i get funny trucker hats?

    he wears a new hat every other episode. I always laugh at them
  6. F

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Guess I'm staying single with a cat then!
  7. F

    Farenheit 9/11.

    I watched it last night too. I kept on thinking "How an earth did they re-elect this guy?" But the extremely valid point made here is we only have MM's interpretation, no other. On the information I saw last night (I didn't see anything else - news progtammes etc) I was stunned that George...
  8. F

    Our usernames...

    Mine isn't interesting. Husband asked daughter what it should be when registering and she replied " just put anything". No great meaning, just too lazy to think of something clever.
  9. F


    Pink taco?
  10. F

    Christmas Tree

    Dubai. I fucking love it here.
  11. F

    What Are You Asking For, For X-mas/Chanukkah/Kwanzaa

    it's christmas season. retail stores will have seasonal part-time
  12. F

    Seriously, Seriously, Seriously funny.

    Well i dint post that and if that is true then i feel sorry for the bear.
  13. F

    Mitt Romney

    Unemployment is different in different states. It's much smoother here in Wisconsin.
  14. F

    ST photobucket

    I thought the same thing. We definitely need some organization going on here. I'm kind of a freak about that shit, I hate sorting through tons of photos for like 30 mins lol.
  15. F

    XBOX Live at College Dorms

    wrap home made beef jerkey around the chord. should fix the problem.
  16. F

    Pink is a lie

    I think cardio exercise is best way to get good results in natural way and be fit, i also doing cardio exercise in morning....
  17. F

    Have you ever volunteered to work an event?

    I don't get paid to set up our cage fighting show as I could never take money off Russ then again any member of my family doesn't have to pay to train or attend the shows.
  18. F

    Free Markets - a good thing or a bad thing?

    A lot of things that get outsourced often appear cheaper but in reality often end up costing much more as it's rare 3rd party companies supply a fully inclusive package. It's all in the small print and the extras is were the money is to be made.
  19. F

    For guys: turn offzzz in girls

    Happened to me once, :(