Search results

  1. N

    Engrish. LMAO i've been on this site for about ...twenty minutes? and ive never laughed so much in my life. post some of your favorites. also look for some of the captions, as they are funny as well.
  2. N

    why do i keep dreaming about having sex with my ex friend?

    idk almost every other night i dream about him or my bf.and in some of my dreams im pregnant.o and to let u know im only 12.
  3. N

    mouse acting bit strange?

    i held my mouse and i think one of her nails kept clicking back and forth or her foot not to sure,and she's squeeking at herself every now and again? just wondering if she's ok
  4. N

    Can You bluetooth ringtones with Sprint Rant?

    I have been hearing rumors that you can only use the ringtones they gave you to set as the ringtone. or buy ringtones from them. Is it true??? plz help asap. PLease and thanks
  5. N

    What are most of the internet slang now adays like lol and rofl... hooever

    has the longest list...10 pts.? and the meanings
  6. N

    The owner of a bike shop sells unicycles and bicycles and keeps inventory... counting seats and wheels.? Choose an equation in slope-intercept form that expresses the fact the number of wheels on bicycles plus the number of wheels on unicycles is 30 A. u = -2b + 30 B. 2b + u = 30 C. 30 = 2u + b D. -u = 2b + 30 E. 2u = b + 30
  7. N

    I am leaving for a trip to Nassau, Bahamas what to do?

    Tell us cool places to go , beautiful beaches that are not tourist sites, restaurants anything cool we are looking for something new and interesting not tourist like!