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  1. D

    Wikipedia, WikiRaces & Wikiness!

    ....I don't love IMDb as much as wikipedia because they don't have many photos on there :mad: Sometimes I just go on to look for actors, to check if it's the same actor in a film, and it doesn't have the answer!!!
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR(the kids section)

    Thanks Babes, I am sure Rhys is there (never thought of that!!)
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    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Best to get them in while she's regenerating...
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    virtual business-sports....NEED HELP

    omg dude, i feel hella bad for you, I had to do that this yeah, it sucks sooo much. sorry to tell ya. by chance, do you go to RPHS?
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    Medical school or Law school?

    Sorry was day dreaming out loud.
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    We need to stop the hate

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    do feel like i should try and cover some of them up but then i figure it looks like i'm trying to hide something if they aren't well covered (i can't tolerate long sleeves) i do worry that someone might start on him so i try not to look like a battered housewife.. if thats a look
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    anyone else hate this?

    at least they PLAYED the sport. So they DO have room to talk.
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    Seal Culls

    How is my use of the term 'genocide' a misuse? How else would you describe the sensless musrder of millions of seal? No, The main interest of the cull is Commercialim, not farming. I have already explained this, but for further info, go to and actually read some of the...
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    A Humble Request...

    Methinks James needs a visit to the "Andy's Rant Column" thread! While we're at it, though, could we get an extra 12 hours in each day?
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    Role playing & tabletop games.

    Role playing & tabletop games. This is totally the thread of guilty pleasures. Reminds me of playing AD&D as a kid. Not played in years... but anytime I go by a shop with miniatures... I'm immediately drawn in as if by a tractor beam. None of my other friends or girlfriend understand.
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    What do you guys think about this??

    Expense breakdown: 1 - Rent. You break that lease, you'll be owing big time money. If anyone else decides to leave, are the rest of you able to pick up the slack? 2 - Food. Sure you can all cook, but can you all afford the groceries for everyone? 3 - Utilities. Electric, Phone, Cable TV, ISP...
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    North Koreans punished for not mourning Kim Jong Il

    Those people know how to sell newspapers!
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    Were you bullied in elementary school?

    IMO the main problem with bullying is that it starts at an early age and once you've been singled out, however silly the reason is, it can really stunt the development of your social skills, so it snowballs as you get older. Being a well-meaning person with poor social skills is a really...
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    Funny voicemail greetings....

    "yeah i figrued it was you thats why i didnt pick up" got it from the movie haggard.
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    [POLITICS] We are now represented by racists!!

    very true but we live in a democracy so people have a right to believe in whatever thay want and to vote for who ever thay choose. its absolute belief wich is dangerous thats what the nazis islam christians communist and the currant left wing facists have in common. you or me or anyone else...
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    Rate the Avatar and Sig of the other person

    Avatar - 7/10 - what the hell is it? Sig - 9/10 - Oooh, profound and lazy
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    New Worlds richest Man

    Bah, that old bastard will be dead by this time next year.
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    Why did you not join the armed forces?

    and since people like pictures.. let's look at that another way:
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    For competitors

    very true