Search results

  1. A

    What's one baby gear/gadget you can't live without?

    I could raise a baby with a day supply of cloth diapers and a 4 pack of sleepers per size. Really, EVERY baby item is just a nice to have. You can live without wipes, without special baby blankets, without special wipes... I have a bed, adult blankets, wash cloths, etc. Women managed just fine...
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    Ok moms, help me out here....when are the best times to buy new cells phones

    No company wants to give you a great deal on a phone without renewing your contract. If you switch to Verizon you will still need to sign a contract to get your new phone. You plan to live for the next 2 years, correct? AT&T has tons of discounts and rebates on their site, some of them like...
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    Is it a good thing to force a child to play sports or ride a bike if

    I don't feel children should be forced into sports. It is one thing to rent an age appropriate movie about soccer to try to get your child excited about it, but if they kick and scream and beg you not to make them go, then they shouldn't have to go. Forcing a child into sports just causes...
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    Why is it that family members have one baby and then all of a sudden they

    Pregnancy hormones make people extra irritable. I am sure your BIL wasn't trying to be rude. In this economy he was probably just watching out for his brother.
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    Mommies of 3 or more what do you drive & where do your children sit? We need...

    My friend has 3 children, baby, 3, and 5. They are all in carseats or boosters. She fits all three across in the back seat of her toyota corolla. It is a small car but it works.
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    For experienced moms who have taken the kids to easter egg hunts before...?

    The flier says they separate kids by age... but in your experience how well do they separate them? My daughter is 16 months old and can walk and run like a pro, is great at picking up objects... but I worry how dangerous it would be to let do an egg hunt. It says ages 1-12... so you'd think the...
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    If a woman gets pregnant while she is breast feeding her infant child does the...

    The female body is designed to provide for the baby inside her and the breastfeeding baby first. The mom would be the only one to suffer if she didn't eat right and take her prenatals. The babies would work together to strip her body of all nurtients if she had a poor diet.
  8. A

    If a woman gets pregnant while she is breast feeding her infant child does the...

    The female body is designed to provide for the baby inside her and the breastfeeding baby first. The mom would be the only one to suffer if she didn't eat right and take her prenatals. The babies would work together to strip her body of all nurtients if she had a poor diet.
  9. A

    If a woman gets pregnant while she is breast feeding her infant child does the...

    The female body is designed to provide for the baby inside her and the breastfeeding baby first. The mom would be the only one to suffer if she didn't eat right and take her prenatals. The babies would work together to strip her body of all nurtients if she had a poor diet.
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    what would you do if your 13-14 yr old daughter told you she was bisexual?

    Kissing girls is fine at this age. She is exploring. She will make a decision for her life over the next few years. Let her experiment. Just let her know its not ok to have sex with anyone this young and make sure she knows you can get STDs from either gender.
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    Do you know of any stores having any super sales tomorrow?

    Like a Christmas Eve only sale...
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    Is it inappropriate to complain to church about nursery workers?

    Neglecting your child is wrong, even if the workers are volunteers. I would not leave him there if those girls are working next time. Definately call and complain. If they neglected your child they probably neglected other kids as well. Unacceptable.
  13. A

    Why is my mom so paranoid when it comes to the Internet? And can I blame her?

    The internet is a dangerous place full of perverts and misinformation. I really don't want my daughter to ever go online. I know she will have to for school and such, but I won't like it.
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    What do you think the aliens thought of our fireworks over the holiday?

    If they were flying low enough they may have felt we were hostile... in a pretty way...
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    How do you handle your kids with cell phones while at school?

    As long as her grades aren't slipping, I don't see it as a huge deal. Just make sure she knows that $15 comes out of HER money if she gets caught.
  16. A

    How do you handle your kids with cell phones while at school?

    As long as her grades aren't slipping, I don't see it as a huge deal. Just make sure she knows that $15 comes out of HER money if she gets caught.
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    What do you like to see at yard sales?

    I look for quality children's clothes that is clean and reasonably priced. I look for kid toys that look relatively clean. I know I am going to clean them extensively when I get home, but I refuse to buy something that looks disgusting. I refuse to buy anything at a garage sale that has printed...
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    Attributes in an OB/GYN and why would you use a mid wife instead?

    A midwife seems to have more time for her patients. You can still have a normal hospital birth with a midwife if that is your concern. The big difference is when you go to give birth, your midwife will be there the whole time you are pushing, where as most OBs just walk in for the last 3 pushes...
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    Expensive group trips for teens through school or church... would you send your

    kids on them? My step-brother is 15 and goes to a private school. Our family isn't rich, he got into the school through a lottery they had. Anyway, he came home with a permission slip for a $3000 international trip. My mother called me and told me about this, completely in shock. I graduated 8...