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  1. I

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Naruto is great! My username is based off a character's nickname in Naruto named Jiraiya. Ero-Sennin means 'pervy-sage.' You should try OnePiece out too! Bleach was ok but I found it hard to get into.
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    Capital Punishment + Euthanasia!

    Depends on the crime BaiKai, if it was Bin Laden I wouldn't hesitate to give him torture for 10 years before a very slow and painful death, depends on the crime committed and the evidence provided my friend
  3. I

    Police Burtality or Preformance of Duty???

    This is really simple. On the ground, being restrained (bad enough the puncher has the perp pinned by the throat with his KNEE), then starts pummeling him for no apparent reason. Oh, and it's the LAPD, which has a crap track record when it comes to brutality. Not giving the cops the benefit...
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    Whats your IQ?

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    Train of thought game

  6. I

    Man tried starting a fight at random, 11am drunk

    Ha ha, I did once take a long bus journey in Greece and it was terrifying! Bus driver doing 70mph around winding, narrow single lane roads that drop off down a cliff on one side. My girlfriend at the time turned totally green. Greece has the craziest drivers I've ever seen.
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    Are you comfertable with your sexuality?

    Boot: #1. You are not badass #2. I bet you'd get your head stomped wearing that out to a bar in a MarCo town #3. You must look extra gay with it neatly tucked in--you probably wouldn't have it tucked since you're most likely a shitty Marine
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    Don't get me wrong... My reaction to this thread was similar to yours. I also think it is pointless... There are so many herbivorous which are big and strong and eat nothing but grass (as I wrote)... That is just simple genetics and how nature "intended to be"... But your statement that...
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    Will people respond to anything?

    I disagree
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    Belts in sig

    What? You no like my nice belt?
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    Ah Columbo, I was wondering when you'd join in. I'm not trying to demonise it, or branding anyone neo-anything. I was merely trying to point out that a fair empire is somewhat of an oxymoron. By comparing them in terms of being less terrible (as you have), is to my mind, a more valid way of...
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    Japans "Suicide Forest" at the base of Mt. Fuji

    Japans "Suicide Forest" at the base of Mt. Fuji It's just a cultural thing. The concept of "failure" is much stronger in Japan. Social and familiar pressure is tremendous, people grow up with high expectations on them and failing to fulfill them is motive enough for suicide, or falling into...
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    Anime/Manga Recommendations

    My favorite anime / manga are... Chobitsu, Romance Drama Sci-fi, has both manga / anime, the manga is supposed to be more storyline focused while anime has quite a bit more fanservice. Elfen Lied, Psychological Drama Action Tragedy, manga / anime (The anime is way too short, hardly any storyline...
  14. I

    Rate the Avatar and Sig of the other person

    Yes, I have my own deep horse stance. Cutting Cheese technique, lol. Don't worry, you'll be able to laugh at my once I get some of my training pictures up for all to see.
  15. I

    Exercise and Pharmicuticals

    Gotcha! I thought you wanted an explaination to something. Cheers
  16. I

    Is it just a rumor that Rosie O'Donnell is eating all the beautiful people?

    i think your ok, im pretty sure she only eats women.
  17. I

    Is it just a rumor that Rosie O'Donnell is eating all the beautiful people?

    i think your ok, im pretty sure she only eats women.