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  1. M

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    WOW! A 3 year old Grandpa, I've never seen that before.
  2. M

    The Confession Thread

    I dumped a old GF (if you call it that but that's another story) but starting to shout in a bar. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WANT TO QUIT BEING A SINNER AND BECOME A NUN"! "YOU'VE SO MANY TIMES..." yadda yadda. You get the idea.
  3. M

    Good things about Islam?

    Look at the issue of terrorism from a general point of view. Why do acts of terrorism occur? The most likely answer and one I've found to be a truism for almost all groups carrying out terrorist acts is: Someone somewhere wants something [Whatever that might be]. How do these act get carried...
  4. M

    Breast feeding makes women aggressive

    what she said
  5. M

    Boys at school keep saying i look like a lesbian. which is not true. Im bisexual...

    ...BUT AHHH HELP!? It's really annoying me. Why does everyone keep calling me a lesbian. :l they say i have lesbian hair? But since when does hair make someone a lesbian :l xx
  6. M

    Am I attractive? Photo's. Plus... guys think im a lesbian? what is up with that :l?

    Basically, ever since ive been open about being bisexual about 3 guys have randomly started talking to me, Im confused? since when does sexuality change anything :l And allllso. Do you think im attractive? because im really self conscious, and i also wanted to know if it was obvious if I am...
  7. M

    The "goodbye to wushurichard" thread

    The "goodbye to wushurichard" thread I will even save the mosquito. I'm just nice like that. It isn't her fault she needs blood to create babies. and she's not a jerk trying to hurt you because she is evil. Bullying isnt cool which is why I have never really bullied Richard. I have...
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    Should I be scared?

    If something goes wrong just have her deported.
  9. M

    Obama and the birthers!

    Dear God. His birth certificate (the one you use to get a passport) has been on the internet for years. Would it really have been such a big deal for Rosa Parks to move to the back of the bus?
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    games workshop

    It is a rather expensive hobby, but I'm finding it more and more difficult to resist delving into it again. The Eldar are just too cool to resist.
  11. M

    referendum on Europe

    Yet all the ones I remember from papers showing how mad Brussels was all turned out to be fake or made no difference to us (banana curviness is classic one) so how terrible for us politically is Europe really? Biggest problem at the minute as far as I can tell is being part of the Euro and...
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    Anime Nerds (ANWACITA)

    haha I'll spam myself with some anime babes.
  13. M

    British university boycott

    Of course that is an ideal, but not really that relavent. If you agree that it is right that British universities boycott Isreali universities, it should not matter if that is the precedent. Should people not give money to one charity if not all? Even if there is prejudice in this case, that...
  14. M

    Cake Poll: What is your favorite kind of cake?

    Im gonna have to say I really like Angel Food cake:)
  15. M

    About LG Voyager By Verizon...?

    something that is way easier would be to send the picture through a "pix msg" to your e-mail. it comes up exactly the same as it would through the cable and it's a lot less work.
  16. M

    If you had a choice, how would you go down.

    Yes, they do, dipshit.
  17. M

    Do you like my poem?????

    With your last breath and my last tear i will surely miss you my sweet dear. you left to soon every one says but i think you haven't left at all. my heart aches when i think of that day my head throbs when i say your name. our days with each other our love for one another. I know your out there...
  18. M

    I have a motorola cell phone and it got wet but it everything on it still works

    but the calls and text message is there a way i can fix it?