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  1. P

    Look what came today, for real this time.

    Stop getting your panties in a bunch. You always seem to feel the need to defend yourself on ST and it's really retarded. :tdown:
  2. P

    So girls...

    They wore them in Iceland alot :coma:
  3. P

    Tony Montana was in my town...

    i actually seen/talked to the 1 chick...she had a 5kt ring on that was really stunning. she used to come into my job and went to my college...when i first laid eyes on her i knew somethng was up
  4. P

    Motorcycling Tips

  5. P

    fat death row inmate

    Kill that ass.
  6. P

    whats a good legit online store that sell band shirts

    interpunk is quality :tup:
  7. P

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Not really. It's all linked mate. That's why they send you to the ENT people (ear, nose and throat). It's a system. I have a non-functioning eustachian tube. That's the tube that equalises the ear pressure around your ear drum and runs from your nasal cavity to your inner ear. When your ears...
  8. P

    FireFox vs Interner Explorer vs Safari

  9. P

    American MAPer visiting London

    Haha, whoever named the places in North America didn't have much of an imagination. There seems to be an American or Canadian version of every city and town in Britain and a lot from Europe too.
  10. P

    Taking "God" out of the Holidays

    Taking "God" out of the Holidays It seems like everybody is forgetting something that is important. Christianity is not just a 'religion', it is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. That is where Christianity differs. We serve a risen Savior. As far as the Christmas stuff goes, I realize...
  11. P

    preggo man! WTF?!

    What in holy hell.
  12. P

    US embassies attacked

    I wish I hadn't watched it or the Enchantress of Florence. That is time I'm never getting back. I should just trolled for pix of Kates baps like everyone else. The Bear.
  13. P

    addicting game....

    when i need to kill like 7 hours ill play this, but for now, fuck it
  14. P

    The Summer Nights Are Too Short...

    Yes I have but there was neither a good reason, nor could I have not helped it. I was just weak at the time and gave in. However, it ensures I'll never do it again. Nothing is worth feeling that bad about. I think you gotta do stupid things when you're young before stuff matters too much (think...
  15. P

    De Irish tread

    Hey I'm Irish, live in Dublin, and being training in Wado-Ryu in Clondalkin for the past 10 years.
  16. P

    Do you speed?

    Follow the link through,I did,you'll be suprised.
  17. P

    FBI: Bin Laden Not Wanted for 9/11?

    Was Saddam Hussain on the list?
  18. P

    What "CRAZY" thoughts did you have when you were a child NOW YOU LOOK BACK AND

    i thought the moon was inside the earth. Like u could go up and touch it if u had a plane or something.
  19. P

    Does the word "Pope mobile" sounds funny to you?

    seriously there was a gathering at the church about 2 days ago and everyone was watching the Pope on the news and when it say "Pope Mobile" people started laughing. I was the only one who didnt laugh .... does it sound funny to you? LOL I get it now thanks its like bat mobile as to compare. LOL...
  20. P

    Is it true that country Paris is romantic?

    so the people who live in the country speak romantic language and everyone is beautiful and in love with each other? man that country must be a heaven. Paris here I come no I'm not talking about france or french or what ever that country is. I'm talking about the country called Paris