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  1. W

    gay or not?

    why the hell are you worried about what people will say about your phone? anyone that makes fun of someone's phone is displaying a prime example of verbal irony.
  2. W


    You think you can get away with stealing mattboys avatar? You skumbag.
  3. W

    Weird Things People Dont Know About You Untill NowV_3

    wow for us that do this. Its embarrising but smells like a batch of roses. :P
  4. W

    Why the hell are you up!?

  5. W

    Gyms in Liverpool

    Does anyone go to or know of a gym tha has a gluteham bench, pullup bar and free weights, in Liverpool? Im not expecting a reply, but its worth a shot.
  6. W

    How many girls have you hooked up with?

    There's no number for it....
  7. W

    Who thinks they can out type me?

    this is the gayest thing i've ever seen, next to an actual picture of matrixballer
  8. W

    Do you think Obama the President has fulfilled his promise as a candidate ?

    it doesnt matter what the president wants to do or who he is. He only exists to give americans the illusion of choice. he is controlled by forces greater than he.
  9. W

    why do gays wont rights?

    Why don't we just slay all rednecks?
  10. W

    The England Queen

    He represents a GROWING breed of people who are IGNORANT!
  11. W

    A little request for a friend of mine...

    Judging by the "Where the votes are coming from" map, we really need to get Greenland, Africa, and the Middle East on board with this! They're really lagging behind in casting their votes!
  12. W

    Diet coke, where do the bubbles go?

    In your pee. Obviously!
  13. W

    LOLcats/caturday thread!

    If anyone has a cat put some butter on your fingers and the cat will lick it. Yes I know they are lactose intolerant but a little bit wont hurt them.
  14. W

    Mass shooting/hostage situation at Sikh temple here in Milwaukee area

    Three letters for you - TSA There go your rights....... There are unconstitutional acts that occur day in and day out - and lawyers getting paid a lot to argue both sides pro and agin. It is not absolute, there is ALWAYS room for interpretation and I can think of several issues right off the...
  15. W

    If you had to fight a lion, how would you do it?

    If I am in a location with lions I plan to take a fat person with me. If a lion charges at me I will throw the fat person in the lions path and hope it decides he is a tastier snack than me
  16. W

    simply the best they simply are
  17. W

    I love this comedy sketch!

    My sons primary school was like that, the carpark was full of X5's & disco's
  18. W

    If I sell stuff on Ebay and my providers are from Hong Kong and make money

    transfers from $1000 - $1500 a tr? I send about $12,000 a month but never increments over $2000... please help! Thanks If I sell stuff on Ebay and my providers are from Hong Kong and make money transfers from $1000 - $1500 a transaction, do I have to report this to the IRS? I send about $10,000...
  19. W

    If I sell stuff on Ebay and my providers are from Hong Kong and make money

    transfers from $1000 - $1500 a tr? I send about $12,000 a month but never increments over $2000... please help! Thanks If I sell stuff on Ebay and my providers are from Hong Kong and make money transfers from $1000 - $1500 a transaction, do I have to report this to the IRS? I send about $10,000...
  20. W

    Computers kill learning

    As if people... YouTube and porn make up for a vast amount of the time people spend on computers 'learning'. Well and then there is MAP. Call a spade a spade.