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  1. D

    Another Coalition of the Willing

    I like the fact that the great nation of Palau has decided to throw its massive political weight behind the poor US of A. From The Economist: "A record number of countries voted in the UN General Assembly for the United States to end its decades-old economic embargo on CUBA. While 182...
  2. D

    Help needed

    Bottle of single malt?
  3. D

    Dream Car

    1.5 million dollar dream... also m3, a ferrari, and a late 60's corvette
  4. D

    Green Porno

    I found a flaw with her preying mantis. She says she could turn her head almost 360 degrees, when she doesn't even do 180. *EDIT* Spider's not rape, it's surprise sex.
  5. D

    Medical school or Law school?

    That does sound pleasing :)
  6. D

    bittorrent / utorrent?

    ok im having a connection problem i have two computers. ok on my alienware aruora i get download speeds of no more then like 50kB/s now on my laptop alienware m11x i can get 800kB/s anyone know how to fix me problem and no i dnt have them running at the same time also sometimes i wont have the...
  7. D

    The Urban Challenge

    pretty sick
  8. D

    MTV, is it just me...

    Run's house, rob and big, and Cribs are the only things worth watching on that channel.
  9. D

    one word story

    This thread is over.
  10. D

    parents and non parents.

    If everyone took the position of nit being a parent because of excrement, none of us would be here posting As for choosing a loyal dog over a murderer, that’s different
  11. D

    New social classes?

    You'd both by definition be middle class as that's the only one you can move up into. You'd "have a working class background". If your children met the right person at college and married into the elite then your family's standing would raise, but the elites would still view you as lesser.
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    Change the song name

    No Glove No Love....M.O.D.
  13. D

    94 dodge ram power loss?

    my dodge has no power i thought is was the transmission because i of no power to get off hills it crawls off but like i have the speed the stuff i had done to it to trying and fix the problem was tuneup, valve body in trans replace and torque converter change any help ?
  14. D

    I am going to meet Chris Hanson, no joke.

    . Either by shoop or sign have VLN somewhere, also post on /b/
  15. D

    I keep telling you but few listen....

    It took several shots to bring the 'man' down
  16. D

    Welcome to ST, my best buds.

    i'm pretty sure that was caraboose because when i saw it, it said "coolest guy ever!!!!!!" :rolleyes:
  17. D

    Do people acually live in...

    top cities in the world to live, I live in one, and you dont: No. 1: Zurich, Switzerland Mercer score: 108* 2007 rank: No. 1 GDP: $300.9 billion (2007 est.)** Population: 7,581,520 (total country); 347,517 (total city) Life expectancy: 80.74 years No. 2 (tie): Vienna, Austria Mercer score...
  18. D

    Homosexuality is Wrong

    Well, internet lesbians are mostly men, so I guess we're talking about whichever floats your boat
  19. D

    Some suggestions for a date

    How about the not so standard -sex, -dinner, -movie date?