Search results

  1. M

    Little Kids In Resteraunts

    Then sell it on Ebay. :dodgy:
  2. M

    Licking your own elbow.

    Ditto dude!
  3. M

    PBnation House

    Property Features Find Out More Single Family Property Status: Active Area: 05101 County: Wayne Year Built: 1910 4 total bedroom(s) 1.5 total bath(s) 1 total full bath(s) 1 total half bath(s) Approximately 1910 sq. ft. Two story Style: Colonial Master bedroom Living room Dining room Kitchen...
  4. M

    state of affairs....

    and if that mushroom cloud did actually show up, i'm willing to bet my bottom dollar, your favorite group of people would be behind it.
  5. M

    Cloning and Stem Cell Research

    Wyr, is the "genetic age marker" a real thing, or is he referring to telomeres? I've never heard of telomeres referred to as genetic age markers, but I'll admit, I don't know all that much about biology. I'm pretty sure "the genetic code plays off the age of the original animal" isn't right...
  6. M

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Dicktrucks who sit on public transport and dismiss everything they see in a very 'I"m middle class and white but I'm pretending to be the reverse' kind of way.
  7. M


    Oh lawd I laffed.
  8. M

    Farenheit 9/11.

    Oh, I have seen plenty of them thanks. But I have never had such a sick feeling of disgust at the lengths the producer went to obliterate the truth and inject his own personal agenda into a film. To close with a paragraph once again from Christopher Hitchens:
  9. M

    Star Trek hates white people

    At least there are women in Star Trek and not just a bunch of robed virgins playing with glowing swords and making pew pew pew sound effects.
  10. M

    Is there a decent jailbreak for IOS 4.3 yet?

    Google search: Red Snow I'm not sure, but maybe
  11. M

    pasta hut? april fools?

    Ive eaten spaghetti and pizza hut a few times. It sucked cawk
  12. M


    How old are they? I was surprised at how good Mr. Daniels' instructional dvd's are, but maybe not for youngsters. Depending on their age several magic shops offer courses. For some simple card stuff, maybe Blackstone's books or Royal Road to Card Magic (the last for older kids) Then get...
  13. M

    Taco Bell...More like Taco Hell!

    I will concur about it not being healthy, so i only try to eat it 2 or 3 times semester (we have one jsut off campus) and occasionaly on the way home from tournaments.
  14. M

    Can someone make me an introduction?

    Hey guys. Im making a basketball trick shot montage, and I need an intro. Does someone want to make an intro, about 10 seconds long complete with music? It needs to be compatable with either iMovie, or windows movie maker. If you're interested, you can contact me, and I will give you more info...
  15. M

    Christians . . . do they really exist?

    When you say Christians, so you mean the religion because I' a christian but I'm confused from what you said there.
  16. M

    awkward moments?

    Fuck chains.
  17. M

    Where are you from, and what race are you?

    I'm from the Southeast U.S.A. - Not really sure what race I am. I would love to travel though and just live in other countries to see what it's like, and to meet new people.
  18. M

    Illegal to insult Islam?

    in that case hiroji he shouldn't have been banned. the video sounds one sided but like you say, it true.
  19. M

    Happy b-day to me!

    Holy shit I forgot something
  20. M

    Anyone got any April fools tricks up there sleeves?

    Glad you posted this, I almost forgot. Be back in a minute I've got to go cover the toilet seats with clear plastic wrap.