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  1. J

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Not 'that' button The IT Crowd 4x05 the best scene ever - YouTube
  2. J


    im going with 97% :crash:
  3. J

    The Columbus Zoo (pictures)

    I'm pretty sure I would get flamed to hell.
  4. J

    Might be a Daddy.

    good luck bro just dont tell the kid he was an accident...
  5. J

    Knight Breaks 8000

    so, nk... does rohypnol work on sheep?
  6. J

    Another Self-Surgery.

    How about you try removing your hands from the keyboard? EDIT: that's a mole dumbass
  7. J

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    What ho? And what are you doing now Sam! Adding bits and bobbles to MAP?
  8. J

    I Paint With Spray Paint..

    I was going to say, I'm pretty sure I've seen these exact pictures elsewhere on the internetz.
  9. J

    how was it for you

    How was 2004 for you,did you do what you set out to do,or was it a disaster. My year has been very hard for all sorts of reasons but i will overcome it by the end of 2004,go on tell us what happened.
  10. J

    Immigration debate

    The one with the incentive package.
  11. J

    So I did some gardening today...

    Now you won't have to worry about demonic spirits taking liesurely strolls down your back walk either. :tup:
  12. J

    What does Homosexuality mean to you?

    That helps immensely.
  13. J


    howmypenistatelol. + No-Arms-Duck = Fucking beautiful.
  14. J

    Change the song name

    White Bird - KT Tunstall
  15. J

    birth control for men,how do YOU feel

    girls belong on birth controll.. not me this is a dumb idea. its a chicks pussy. its their egg. if they dont want a kid. they better fuckin deal with it themselfs
  16. J

    CD vs Vinyl.

    My friend claims that as well. If you want ultra high quality, why not just buy and play HDCD's? Unless you are a DJ, vinyl seems pretty worthless, plus it takes more time to mess with and takes up too much space in storage. I never understood why the minidisc didn't catch on, I never used...
  17. J

    Might have to be in a fight....

    Smoke PCP before the fight.
  18. J

    Dating & why do girls like bad guys

    Dating & why do girls like bad guys Plain and simple.... you are boring. Fix that and you're ready to go!
  19. J

    Now HERE is the best pizza ever...

    That looks sexy