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  1. L

    Steven Hawkins in space...

    You just need to be able to handle the G-forces. Why would you have an ethical dileofftopic Su?
  2. L

    Kids Cuisine

    I would only eat it if my mom wasn't home to make a real breakfast and I hadn't eaten in like a week.
  3. L

    wayyy tooo much money?

    buy pbn just to ban p8ntgurl
  4. L

    Have you ever seen a gun in real life?

    Wtf, how can a little girl handle a rifle? Do people realise the OP doesnt mean pellets?
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    Reason 1 to live in New Zealand !!!!

    I knew there was a reason to like new Zealand.
  6. L

    Viewer Disrection! Animal Cruelty From Farm To Fridge

    I agree, but then I've eaten meat all my life. If someone chooses not to eat meat on moral grounds then I respect their decision, even if I don't share their views. I do prefer to eat meat that has been 'ethically' reared. I would prefer it if the animals that we eat have as good a life as...
  7. L

    my worst night ever..

    Sure, I guess you could see that but your statement doesn't exactly hold any relevance seeing as this isn't the "your worst night ever" thread.
  8. L

    ST: What are some Frat pledging stories you know?

    Stepping away from offtopic does have its benefits.
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    Shoe size?

    16 :nododgy:
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    Homosexuality & Raising Kids

    Homosexuality & Raising Kids Obewan, This is just idle curiosity, and you're under absolutely no pressure to reply. But I'm curious about your having a fairly traditional stance on what constitutes marriage at the same time as eschewing a traditional marriage yourself, in favour of a...
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    It seems like the issue is whether you think the person is in jail because they need to be punished for a set period of time, or because they need correction on how to function normally. Parole seems like it's a combination of both, they need to have served a set amount of time as punishment...
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    Water bed? yes or no

    this guy looks like he enjoys his water bed
  13. L

    No need for me to say much only that i mostly agree with him.

    How does your solution fix anything? Excluding those countries gives them a legitimate grievance against the process and gives them an easy way to dismiss the council's findings in the future effectively making the Council even more toothless than it already is. Bravo.
  14. L

    So if you want to be a male runway model

    'Nuff said.
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    Why did you pick your user name?

    Well, mostly I like the way the word sounds.
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    Your top 10 possessions

    Calm down Chadderz, no one is putting anyone down. It just seems strange to me that you put a £2.00 gumshield over any photos of loved ones for example.
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    If you had 1 hour to live?

    LUL. win.
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    Mornington Crescent

    Ha! Good thing KE gave me my Famous Grouse already. I think I'm just gonna get on the line, head toward Watford.
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    Kid finds 108k and returns it!!!

    Worst desicion of that kids life