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  1. J

    If people say personality is more important than looks, then why don't women like me?

    When I met my husband he was 36, still a virgin and had never had a girlfriend. He also was starting to loose hair. I think you should take heart and try not to focus on your appearance. I believe that God has a plan for each person and if you feel strongly that you would like to be married...
  2. J

    Should I respond or leave him hanging?

    Oh leave him hanging. He doesn't deserve a response, and if you don't give him one he'll be wondering "oh god, just ok???" for a day or two...let him sweat.
  3. J

    Should I reply or IGNORE him?

    i was in the same situation once i was with this guy off and on for about 2 years. he told me he loved me but he cheated on me and then expected me to take him back and i was stupid enough to do that before i know it he dumbed me again after all this sh!t i ignored him and the more i did the...
  4. J

    Spotting? Pregnant? Help!?

    If you are pregnant, what you are experiencing is called implantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding can occur when the fertilized egg burrows into the lining of the uterus. This process is known as implantation. Every newly conceived baby must implant, however, not every implantation will...
  5. J

    How often are you suppose to have sex?

    There is not a set # as long as u both enjoy it. But if he telling u its too much and he wants to enjoy u in other ways then don't take what he is saying for granted. If u want this relationship to last, then I would advise u to so slow down. So when u do make love to each other, u would have...
  6. J

    Is it true that most women lose their sex drive, right after getting married ?

    You would think so from reading the posts on here, but it's certainly not true for me.
  7. J

    Is it true that most women lose their sex drive, right after getting married ?

    No were did you get your info... lol Val.
  8. J

    Are you sick of annoying people in Y!A ?

    Loll, i know who your on about!But they're better than trolls!xx
  9. J

    If you catch your son?

    my nine yeat old still watches stuff like that all the time. I figure he will grow out of it on his own so I leave him alone about it. But I do wish he would do it soon.
  10. J

    If you catch your son?

    I think you should whip our your old childhood stuffed animal/blanket curl up in a little ball next to him and start singing along with Map and Backpack.
  11. J

    Chelsey Handler Show with Raven Symone?

    haha i just watched that. she was a little bitchy..oh well
  12. J

    Do you think animals have a sense of humor?

    yeh,sure,my old blue heeler who died recently used to know I was playing with her when I'd hold her meal tray up about my shoulder level and swivel around calling her name pretending I didn't know she was at my feet. She knew I was having a lend of her.
  13. J

    for girls/women.what makes you crazy in a man?

    It's money.Any woman who says otherwise is either lying or desperately confused.
  14. J

    Hollywood undead unmasked pictures?

    I'm sorry, I can't find any pictures... =| >> You should ask this in the "Music" category - you'll get more responses from there. Sorry, I can't help much. > Oo, Number 5 was an awesome song by them! ^^