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  1. N

    if you were to commit suicide

    and become a quadriplegic and not die for 20 yrs.
  2. N

    why put the toilet seat down?

    What if the toilet seat is one of them ones that has part of the front bit cut away? You could theoretically pee with the toilet seat down as long as you don't wobble spraying your urination all over the place...
  3. N

    Gun Control

    in other words, savages
  4. N

    The Ctrl+V game (Orpaste)

    adobe aftereffects CS3 adobe dreamweaver CS3
  5. N

    12000ft drop survivor!

    Hahaha! I already posted this up!
  6. N

    After 3 weeks of waiting... its here

    Fuck mang. I was eating too.
  7. N

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Make sure you are getting it with the pointy bit of your elbow rather than just grazing it.
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    Sleeping problem

    im not sure if that was directed towards me, but i dont. lately ive been crashing at like 5-630 and waking up somewhere between 12 and 2. its varied lately.
  9. N

    I have a question..

    Lawyers will pretty much bring up anything if they think it will help their case - its how you present back that makes the difference
  10. N

    how was it for you

    It's January now and I need change in my life and I'm starting with the buddhist side and it's a real chance to sort my life out for good, this is what I'm looking for in this year and I'm going to make it happen. lisa xx keep chanting Lisa and you'll achieve things even better than you...
  11. N

    First kiss?

    junior in high school..
  12. N

    Continue the story...

    Then there was a really bright light outside, and 529861 space ships landed -- the Miniature Giant Space Hamster invasion had begun. PL
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    What is so important about Israel?

    I always sleep easy Raz with Him watching over me.
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    Japan quake

    Everyone ok over there?
  15. N

    mama jokes: funny or sad?

  16. N

    Came in for my lickins... Slip?

    Well.. I sit here disenchanted by US Politics, as Ron Paul's campaign was co-opted, and the wind is now out of the sail. Should have realized when he voted to go to war, and when he refused to call out the official story on 9/11, that he was co-opted quiet awhile ago. Very disenchanted. My...
  17. N

    U.s. No Gas Day

    I don't get the hybrid thing. Lets still use the most expensive fuel, just add a battery to it. Howabout we use diesel, biodiesel even (although i think i read somewhere it doesn't work so great) I know using oil for cars like this is bad but the switch isn't going to be in a day, and until we...
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    Finally - The truth about gay marriage Read it and weep.
  19. N


    Well, it kind of depends upon which area you want to concentrate on. Where are you going or are you just trying to plan a trip?
  20. N

    I Think My Best Friend Might Be Dead Or In Trouble

    hmn.. thread starter created new account to use on st? ashamed? dead friend.. how was he on the feild? might have been shot for real..