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  1. Z


    I've been more or less fending for myself since I was 12. I left home properly at 18 to live on my own. Even when you go to uni, you aren't 100% independent, as you have that nice cosy uni community, and a lot of discounts. I'm 24 now, living with someone, and have a full bag of repsonsibilty...
  2. Z

    Ban the last poster before you post

    for not abusing the ban button
  3. Z

    THE Firework thread!

    Pretty much sums up my experiences on new years and the 4th.
  4. Z

    Physical immortality: Just around the corner?

    I agree with your first two answers. Didn't read the article but have read many like it that talk about such from different perspectives. The technology will eventually get that good, but we're not ready nor close to being ready for it.
  5. Z

    Borat gets sued

    Did I mention Sascha Baren Cohen? I was referring to the character. He is an idiot. Again - the character is not a devout Jew. He is a racist. And an idiot. The man behind it is very clever. No one in their right mind is a bigotted racist. Alas, many of the people laughing are just that...
  6. Z

    What toppings do you like to put on your ice cream?

    Well now that summer has just started you're probably about to go eat ice cream. Now, if you had everything available, what type of toppings you would put on? Chocolate sauce: Caramel: Hot Fudge: Whipped cream: Cherry! (just don't pop them) Oreos: Nuts: (warning, don't google...
  7. Z

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Sorry got distracted by Jack Bauer and 24 season 8, might be round when I've finished it!
  8. Z

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Grrrr having shards of metal embedded in the carpet from fixing my bike.
  9. Z

    Our usernames...

    pocketwarrior. Whilst on an 18/30 holiday with my mates in turkey we went on one of those late night boat cruises with free beer all night. The reps made us play this game against opposing hotels where you sat on the stem? (large wooden beam running down the middle) of the boat facing each...
  10. Z

    Opinion of the previous users sig

    Do you need some glue?
  11. Z

    how tall are you? famous people too ! :dodgy: i hate you

    5'11 and I only 14.
  12. Z

    I got a stye

    I've got one right now, but its not noticeable at all. Went to the doctor and he gave me Doxycycline, and some eyedrops and a cream for the swelling/redness. Works like a charm.
  13. Z

    Big Foot

  14. Z

    Chuck Norris is Cheese Snacks?!?

    that is stupid, it's barely close
  15. Z

    Would it be wierd to call up old HS friends if I have been out for 3 years?

    Loner alert! Loner alert! bzzzzzzztttttttttt!
  16. Z

    grammar nazi party

    Swearing a lot helps. (But not on MAP, obviously.) And talking to animals as though they can understand you. But perversely, not swearing at animals. That is very un-British.
  17. Z

    Birthday Wishes for The Ninja Mod

    You all are too kind... I am glad to be a part of this family.... a dysfunctional one at times, but still my family.
  18. Z


    How would it even be workable in the US? Surely the Supreme Court would have to declare that it violated first amendment rights?
  19. Z

    Google Image Wars v. 8362348246

    Fake Gun.
  20. Z

    Trial by combat and the DVLA

    Epic? Perhaps. But, what would be the point of dying for a piddly little fine like that? Seriously ;p