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  1. T

    ST Insomniacs

    Like F him in the A till the shit turns white.
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    Candidates For Terminator 4

    Vin Deisel I think would be the best out of that list. John Cena doesn't suit the bill, Vinnie Jones - hasn't got the accent. Gerard has the build for an athletic spartan warrior but not a walking tank like the terminator. Not to replace arnie.
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    UK Police - procedures for search of a female

    In that case you're not talking about human rights. Which is what you said you were talking about. I'm sorry if it sounds pedantic but if we're talking about law then it's an important distinction. It's not beneficial to public safety if the police are heavy handed because the public will...
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    Bunny gore

    Your cat is straigh mercin ova thurrr
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    Why do you drink?

    fixed. I don't drink too much. But when I do, it's a whole lot of fun :tup: go beer
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    Weighing Garbage

    I remember having to do that homework. Well, more accurately, not doing that homework. I studied smoking instead.
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    I got the smileys to numbers but i didnt think of texting...d'oh. Youre turn dude.
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    Taco Bell...More like Taco Hell!

    I eat at the one on campus. I normally opt for Wendy's but I get bored of it sometimes, so I get Taco Bell. And I tell myself everytime, "No more Taco Bell; you know what it does to you!" And everytime, I ignore it.
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    In the UK, really?

    Two nice articles by the guardian on the topic: ''Anticipating the AAP finding in favor of male...
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    Friday 13th

    yes, it's Friday the 13th today. are you superstitous? has anything bad happened to you on a Friday 13th? any other superstitions that you believe in?
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    Is running regularly unnatural for humans?

    I completely agree, just wanted to see what the numbers were like for Wolf-like hunting . In fairness, the modern era will have killed of this method of hunting because we have explored all the wide open plains of the world (where this would be a viable strategy) and given them guns... I suspect...
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    The Inception of MAP

    As does the MAP FAQ I remember Andy Murray wrote a history of MAP in the old Journals many years ago but I think he deleted the posts before he left. Looks like MAP got its name in January 2002. Yep, that pretty much sums it up!
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    does anybody remember...

    yeah that's a bad analogy... how did the first europeans learn to communicate with the native americans?
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    grammar nazi party

    Why use the word Nazi to begin with? Why not Graofftopicr Police? Or Graofftopicr Enforcers
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    "Me and my family flew up and floated around the room."

    "Me and my family flew up and floated around the room." and ur from canada....
  16. T

    banning intelligent design from being discussed in public schools,fascism?

    If intelligent design should be taught anywhere in public schools, it should be taught it a theology class, NOT in a biology class. Unless more evidence appears to support its claims, ID should not be taught as a fact.
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    How much do you get into Christmas?

    Sheesh... you lot sure know how to make it an non-event. I find that pretty sad.
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    MAP Members Hobbies

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    how safe is travel to mexico?

    If you dont mind getting kidnapped or a simple beheading it should be safe for you.
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    Running or biking? Which is better for you?

    Which one burns more? I know I can go farther on the bike than running. But is a shorter distance with jogging better?