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  1. Y

    The Confession Thread

    Go Aegis - ~Get in like flinn
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    Things that make you go Mmmmmm....

    Custard and cake! w00t!
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    Bad luck America

    Well then I'll just have a choco beer and a six-pack of girls to go please.
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    Epic Post

    Sad kid.
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    House invasion laws etc.

    Due to the laws or guidelines that have been passed reasonble force is allowed to remove a person or persons from your house and if you kill them accidentally in the heat of the moment and can prove you didn't mean to you will be fine. Also use of an available weapon is allowed to an extent and...
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    Christopher Dorner

    Glad Dorner is dead. I don't care if he had a legitimate grievance with the LAPD; the proper course of action is to file a lawsuit and/or start a media campaign, not start killing people. Gun crime in the US is actually down significantly over the past twenty years; it's just being covered...
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    US embassies attacked

    For every one of those individuals who stormed the embassy, and committed these heinous crimes, thousands of Muslims disapproved. The Arabic TV news stations are full of prominent individuals who are condemning these attacks.
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    So i cant stop laughing...

    I didn't even chuckle.
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    What do you want to see in your lifetime?

    Preferably into men...
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    The New Toy

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    Warriors of the Clouds

    I'm still stuck on worms and mud. "Oh, gee, it's a bit of trash buried in the ground. It must be a letter from God, because that's how God sends us messages -- he buries them in the ground for many hundreds of years." Ppfffttt. Not.
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    What is your stance on firearms? Do you think they should be sold willy-nilly, like in the US? Or heavily restricted? Or something inbetween?
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    Pissed and Pregnant

    These people are my neighbors. I'm convinced they live the lives they do because they can. They are entitled to a life on benefits. So they take it.
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    pics of yr room V.eleventeen niner

    My Media Room.
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    BP to fund $20 billion payouts

    Simple answer: GREED. It's a powerful thing. It's what keeps problem gamblers going even though they're fully aware that they usually end up losing more than they win.
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    Theif on the loose!

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    The MAP Gym Rant Thread

    Is that you and Mitch at the bottom there?! Oh, and if there's any chance of Zumba looking that good (your photo is very alluring, don't get me wrong, but I'm talking about the first photo), I've got another class to stalk! ur... I mean attend... Yeah, that's it.
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    Illegal to insult Islam?

    i saw the comments on being able to comment on homosexuality and it put the idea in my head. Bettr question though is why would it be ironic if i was gay? i've got nothing against homosexuality
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    Do any of you girls leave the toilet seat up

    thats why im askin ;)
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    It's getting like that. The war on terror has some unusual consequences Some are some aren't. Unfortunately we have lots of rules regarding CCTV and nobody to govern and make sure they are adhered to I just look at them from a technical view. Didn't like having a meal on the weekend staring...