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  1. C

    Rate the avatar above you #oh my god

    dallas ftmfw 15
  2. C

    well its kinda

    I've been up for 6 hours browsing Ogrish.
  3. C

    sketchy prom

    yes. :) i made alot of the decisions and her rents dished out all the cash.
  4. C

    pierced ears?

    that would be gay as hell
  5. C

    Women in the Infantry

    For anyone interested in following what the military is currently doing with this subject here is a link to the Marine Corps' newspaper website. Some of it is pretty sensationalized though so take it for what it is, but it's generally a better source to find out what's going on then the normal...
  6. C

    Drunken Chimp Question

    Right then, after a night out on the sauce I started thinking and came up with the question, 'If you could be any MAPer for the day who would it be and why?' I'm gonna say sn0w8lade - have you seen his girlfriend Wahahahahahaha, you can't touch me snowy ! I'm your senior, drop and...
  7. C

    OMFg i dont know what to dad caught me in the act

    exactly what the title says... i was going at it and all of a dad opens the door...he just looked at me and walked away. at this point im scared shitless of what hes gunna do/ say. i come out into the living room and he gets up and says im going out. ill ttyl what should i do/say
  8. C

    Past or the Future?

    i disagree. but i think itd be cool to live back in the day.
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    Michael Jackson passes away

    hmm.. I dont' think he was that great of a musician. He had a massive marketing and PR machine. But in my book he can't hold a candle to John Lee Hooker or Skip James or Ali Farka Toure. I liked MJ's early stuff and his other tunes are recognizable from high rotation play list on major...
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    Child for sale

    I personally think that many people from the Eastern areas have a much more realistic and tangible opinions about things compared to the west. The reason We see it as wrong to sell a child is because they 'are a person' or 'human being' - we base an unknown almost spiritual value on the life of...
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    Laser Eye Surgery

    I had my eyes done, the results were excellent for four years then my eyes started to revert back.....
  12. C

    "OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest

    "OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest current stats. i've pulled crys production down, because i've enough crystal for my next build (robots 2) by 4 times so i'm still getting max metal and deut production, and not building up a surplas that might attract attention (you have probably been scanned...
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    Celebrity BB / first opinions?

    First opinion: Why did they have to bring this irritating show back? :(
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    When does I'm a celebrity start (UK)?

    I'm surprised you watch this... just how surprised I am at clicking on this question....oh well...
  15. C

    Jen or Rex to leave BB9 tonight?

    Jen, hands down. I would like it to be either Kat or Darnell to win- probably Kat,Darnell,Rachel and Rex for final 4
  16. C

    If you could change...

    Then I want the power of the sun in the palm of my hand.
  17. C

    AVI / MPEG to DVD converter software for Vista?

    Prism Convertor. Type it in google. It's free, and has no restrictions.