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  1. D

    MAP as a front-end for YouTube - discuss!

    More and more MAP threads are simply links to clips on YouTube, and discussions of the clips. Personally I'm getting a bit tired of it - but then I can't access YouTube from work, so it may just be 'sour grapes' on my part! It's changing the nature of a lot of the posting content on MAP, so...
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    Opinons of MySpace?

    Its easy to get with a girl when you have her MySpace. I mean. You know all her likes, and dislikes, and marital status [and fantasies?] before you even speak to, or meet her. I get to chat with a lot of really good people that I otherwise wouldn't keep in touch with. And I speak to a lot of...
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    Gun Control

    In which case the murder stats that have been posted answer that. Comparing violent crime would be a nightmare because you would have to adjust for different reporting methods. If anyone wants to give that a go, fine, but I am too busy.
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    Holy shit(involves legos)

    Build a cake.
  5. D

    Misc. Facts Thread

    A chameleon's tongue is twice the length of its body. Two animal rights protesters were protesting at the cruelty of sending pigs to a slaughterhouse in Bonn. Suddenly the pigs, all two thousand of them, escaped through a broken fence and stampeded, trampling the two helpless protesters to...
  6. D

    Why Are Women Aggressive?

    Very wise,sensbile answer there Martial Dad!
  7. D

    mother put baby in microwave

    If you know, and are getting them sorted, then surely you're taking responsibility by doing so? If you're doing nothing you may not be taking responsibility, but you're still responsible.
  8. D

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Frodo, if you turn out to be 17 stone, with a skinhead and tatts, Mitch, Moi and I have wasted the last few years.
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    scavenger hunt or LOTHT first?

    I'd sig it like usual.. But they are on to me :shiftyeyes: Because you'll ruin it. Scavenger Hunt or LOTHT.
  10. D

    Private Hospital licence to be revoked

    ''Remember kids, never vote Conservative. It could literally kill you.'' Mr McPartland said: "I have been campaigning hard on behalf of local people to improve the level of service available at the Clinicenta/Carillion-owned Surgicentre ever since they opened their doors almost 18 months ago...
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    The Weather Thread

    Wow. What a good idea for a thread. I've always had a big interest in weather... probably from growing up climbing and surfing. In southern California winter time was always good because we got the swells that come down from Alaska and makes our point breaks rock! The big advantage of...
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    First Car

  13. D

    Need help with vandals

    sugar in gas tank....... if you really want to fuck them
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    Anyone here use a straight razor?

    If you start to add up the cost of those cheapy plastic razors... you might be shocked how much you pay for a poor quality shave over the course of a year. On the other hand if you learn to use a straight razor... it will last you a lifetime and then some.
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    Sarah Palin

    Well this is the kind of bombastic assertion that I see as the stock in trade of many political ideologues, and one that isn't worthy of someone with a 150 IQ. Further, your designation of Obama's economic agenda as socialist is grossly inaccurate, as is your assertion that he would offer...
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    bank gave me 400 dollars by mistake

    you better get rid of the evidence, send it to me.
  17. D

    Kanye west speaks about thestudentroom

    Ha! I lol'd
  18. D

    Cybernation V5.0

    man... i need some monies :(
  19. D

    Area 51

    Idk I'm gonna go try brb.