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    Would you ever go out with someone on ihav?

    Would you ever go out with someone on TSR? Well, normally no.... but I could make an exception if they lived in Dubai......:S
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    The Acronym Thread (TAT)

    big anus licking lamma snakes school
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    mother put baby in microwave

    then dont be so quick to judge others. your point was that people are always responsible for their actions as they always have a choice. i just proved that wrong.
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Achy joints ;_;
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I saw an advert for Lee Nelson's well good show. One of the reviews read 'a comedy creation like vicky pollard or ali G' and you know what? that's 100% right. Lee Nelson is exactly like little britain and sacha baron-cohen: he is nothing like as funny as his creator things he is. I could write...
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    It will probably completely heal over a year or two; there is another technique which heals over a couple of months. Even a permanent brand may totaly heal in some cases. I may be getting a specialy designed permanent brand in September.
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    parents and non parents.

    So you're talking about the mere act of conceiving a child then? Well, that's just ridiculous. First, nobody was congratulating him on fertilizing an egg. They were congratulating him, in advance, on what we know is going to be a lifetime of trials, tribulations, and triumphs. I thought that...
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    Tottenham Riots

    In other news Leicester police got back to me about the fb group I posted on here last night and are "taking action" against all the group members.
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    last d00dz

    assuming that there were still dead bodies around, I'd probably fuck the corpses of celebrities, drive my dream cars, and then crash one with an automatic 'splosion mechanism that killed me.
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    US embassies attacked

    No offcourse not, I was trying to assertain if he thought the prime mover was religion or political tension. Raz
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    Protests in Arab world

    Well, that was a whole host of maybe's and speculation, wasn't it. Did anyone ask you too ?Widen your field of vision, Libya won't be the only country involved if the SRHTF
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    *The Original TSR Sexy Biatch Society*

    lol at you deleting your post saying i win the thread :rofl2: Is this cos you got all pissy with me the other day :puppyeyes: BTW, I am a girl :H you messaged me months back.
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    10 year olds rape girl, eight.

    Which goes with my other theory that girls are worse than boys
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    Planning on visiting the big smoke?

    Heh - now that's my kind of sarcasm. Shame there's only 4 posts so far.
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    john lennon

    I can see the face close to the screen but it hurts my eye.
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    National yound Leaders State Conference???

    Well, they want $1370, so screw it. Unless either 1. the school or 2. ST can give me money to do it. Come on, people, paypal me!
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    The internet?

    I'm a 71 year old lady, and I am new to this whole internet thing. My grandson just helped me install the internet in my computer, and when I got in it, I heard very strange beeping noises. My internet seems to work fine. I was able to find this web sight, and my grandson assured me that it was...
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    The internet?

    I'm a 71 year old lady, and I am new to this whole internet thing. My grandson just helped me install the internet in my computer, and when I got in it, I heard very strange beeping noises. My internet seems to work fine. I was able to find this web sight, and my grandson assured me that it was...
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    The internet?

    I'm a 71 year old lady, and I am new to this whole internet thing. My grandson just helped me install the internet in my computer, and when I got in it, I heard very strange beeping noises. My internet seems to work fine. I was able to find this web sight, and my grandson assured me that it was...