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  1. T

    how do I start my essay? 1st best answer gets i0 points?

    to start ur essay always use ur imagination ... i wud start it by writing the culture of that particular country tradition and finish it by how i spend my holidays in that country i hope it helpz.. newayz m not dat gud at writin essays and grammar stuff ...OLL THE BEST (^-^)
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    I dont understand this copyright thing from Youtube... Help!?

    Thats okay then cuz its you on the camera and not the actual video. But u should re-check me just in case.
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    What is a good plan to introduce child of previous marriage to new sig other?

    Hi, I think its great that you are taking so much consideration over this. So well done for that. There are quite a few avenues that you could explore so here are a few of my ideas,Maybe you could take your little one somewhere like a soft play area or the playground and your girlfriend could...
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    is there anything wrong with capital punishment for seriously heinous and disgusting crimes?

    is there anything wrong with capital punishment for seriously heinous and disgusting crimes? This question is mainly talking about the UK. surely, people such as the Soham murderer Huntly does not deserve to breathe the same air as us, so why let him? the introduction of the death sentence...
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    I have a second appointment with UPS to tour their facility and be introduced to a manager. Any advice?

    I have a second appointment with UPS to tour their facility and be introduced to a manager. Any advice? It sounds to me like this could be my potential manager and this introduction to this manager is a chance for him/her to size me up and decide whether or not he/she should have me on board...
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    Essay Help!?

    umm...u could start by last stay at this college was awesome but due to some personla issues i had to withdraw...but now i wish to enjoy myself as much as i did b4 or may be more...
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    essay help please! 10 points for best ! i need to write a HOOT and introduction?

    The lovers, Romio and Juliet. Born into an unforgiving world and forced to be seperate untill death. The hands of fate destroy another beautiful relationship.
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    Which gender do you think is the pickiest when it comes to looks of the opposite sex?

    definitely women. no doubt about it. men can go for any woman as long as her personality is good,but women always go for the looks. women are very superficial too, its all about the money to them, status and all that.
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    Which gender do you think is the pickiest when it comes to looks of the opposite sex?

    men.they like it they have it then ditch itthey dont like they dont have itthey love it they have it
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    i lost my SIM card can i still keep my original phone number?

    yup just call your provider and tell them to activate a new one, then go pick it up or get it sent to you. it may cost a few dollars, but you can keep your number
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    Why do Christians go on mission trips and ruin others chances of getting into heaven?

    bc there is more to it then just heaven and there are also dif relms