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  1. M

    Craigs list ho game

  2. M

    female passiveness

    Guys, guys, guys... I'm not really looking for dating advice, pick up lines, pimping tactics etc... I'm interested in why girls are passive when it comes to initiating relationships with guys from psychological, social, developmental type perspectives. Why do they believe that guys should be...
  3. M

    worst thing that could possibly be said during sex

    " i cant get it up"
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    you're expecting a whole day? we'll be lucky if we get a full hour of summer ;op
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    Check out my toilet!

    cool cool
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    Random Question

    ok this is random but my friend and i were arguing so i thought one of you people might no the answer!!!!! does the water REALLY swirl the otherway in australia to the UK wen it goes down through the plug? cheers in advance
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I did that with nunchucks in my room. Smashed the light bulb, was plunged into darkness and had to shuffle to the door, with a floor full of broken glass, in bare feet... Painful, but now I know exact how John McClane felt in 'Die Hard'.
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    mac n cheese

    put chopped up hotdogs in it
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    ST help me. Ppl keep saying shit about my feet

    HAHAHAHAHA!! i seriously cannot stop laughing
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    Ear rings?

    The right ear is the straight ear, left ear is gay ear.
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    caught in the act

    shens but great story entirtained me for the time it took me to read it !
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    I think I may have read one of his books with that conclusion in some time ago. Astronomy isn't my subject though, which would explain why the name of a famous astromomer didn't ring a bell!
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    Random question for mums

    The advice of a dad instead. or firstly a question. Why are you trying to restrain hew and leave her unattended? and I don't mean this in a bad way. Basically its good for her to be ale to explore her environment as long as it is a safe environment. If you are worried about stairs then put a...
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    Talking to young children about death

    Yeah I'm not saying it's the only way or the correct way... I'm sure there is more than one way to go about it. The reason I even brought up the blanket (or whatever) is that a kid has a value placed on that blanket. I give kids (yes even young ones) for taking in a lot more than we adults...
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    Computers kill learning

    no they don't
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    Legal Drinking Age to be 21?

    Increasing the age doesn't bother me because I had one sip of an alcoholic beverage and it tasted bad.
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    Does anyone Breakdance(Bboy)?

    I most certainly do! Badly Every friday after one too many shandy's!
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    Check out my states food. West Coast = Jealous.

    The gathering where tubby hicks can go to ingest pounds of animal meats!
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    June 6th, 1944 The Day of Days

    My grandpa was shot in the knee by a machine gun while coming out of the water on d-day + some amount of days. Then they sent him all over europe right away after giving him a metal knee cap.
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    Do you know any famous people with the same name as you?

    jermaine jackson jermaine steward jermaine dupri