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  1. N

    Tattoo time

    I'm getting HIV positive tattooed on my ass checks........for protection :dodgy:
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    If you had to kill someone you hated...

    I'd like to snipe them off from far away but keep shooting them in non kill shot places.
  3. N

    Do you like the person above you?

    Yes, he's a bitch of a son.
  4. N

    Airsoft questions - tokyo marui M4-ris

    Yeah mate sure... the more links the merrier. This is going to be a nice break from playing America's Army online.
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    Landis and the tour de France

    The normal lab ration of testosterone to free and total testosterone is 1:1, the guy on sports center last night was saying to be flagged his level had to be at least 4:1. I mean, thats like knuckle dragging, hairy back, whinnying at the gate levels of testosterone.....
  6. N

    How would you define Fitness? + Thoughts

    a further tidbit re: fitness vs. health. this guy, one of the strongest in the world: There is no reason to be alive if you can't do deadlift. - YouTube died in the gym. while deadlifting. as far as i know, it was due to a congenital defect in the aorta that had already killed others in his...
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    Whenever im feeling depressed I think to myself hey, at least I'm not screech...

    The idea that suicide is an option while not one I intend to fulfill.
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    Near Death Experiences

    When I rolled my car down a 25 ft. bank. When I was rolling down I honestly thought I was going to die. It's weird how slow it seems like a wreck happens.
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    i need some advice guys..

    ohio;46565155']the only way to stop is to DIE...or go all BME pain olympics on your dick.
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    eugenics thread.

    Wouldn't cybernetic implants and/or medical nanobots be a better alternative to Eugenics? It would achieve basically the same thing, minus living in a totalitarian system.
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    MAP Photoshoppers...The Bar Has Been Raised!

    Not sure how many of you have seen the new Benetton "UNHATE" campaign, but it's a little frisky!
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    Change the song name

    Wondering Again - Jethro Tull
  13. N

    American MAPers, POST HERE!

    Northern new hampshire,very close to Vermont,pretty close to Canada.You know - moose, bears,tropical climate....
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    Anyone have a cool job where they only work like 2 days a week?

    The process you have to go through to get paid for sperm is fucking ridiculous. Trust me. I looked into it.
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    The Television License Fee?

    No you're abusing the fact the BBC hasn't locked their iPlayer site down behind a pay wall and at the very least if you haven't paid your share then you're free loading. Nobody likes free loaders.
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    The Thread of Cuteness

    Get him down the pet rescue centre 'just to look. I won't get anything, promise'. it's very difficult to say no when you actually have a kitten curled up in your hand!
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    British government department loses the details of 25 million people

    ID cards are not a devolved issue, there is nothing the Scottish Parliament can do to prevent it. If all Scottish mps voted against it English mps could still get it through.
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    Inspired by nzrics thread... I'm looking to go to Italy sometime late this summer. I don't know a lot about the place, but would really like to go see it, so I'm asking for a spot of advice from MAPers who've either been to Italy, or live there. I was looking at going to Rome, but don't want...