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  1. H

    Comics, Art and all that...

    One of these years I keep meaning to get around to doing a MAP t-shirt design and posting it. It'd be good fun. Pretty hard to find anything more exciting than MA related stuff... except maybe voluptuous babes... hey that's it... bodacious MA babes on a MAP t-shirt!
  2. H

    Dinner in the Sky

    Wow i would be shitting my pants.
  3. H


    How old is your daughter? I have 3. An 18 yo, 13 yo and a 2 and a half. All unique and definately their own person. The oldest, tattooed and pierced (birthday and Xmas gifts from me) the middle one says no way and the youngest thinks tattoos are ugly. My oldest still remembers the first gyaku I...
  4. H

    which poster for a dorm

    The plane will takeoff?
  5. H

    Syria-Possible Sarin use

    I didn't say or imply that I hoped you wash out. I said I hope you can cope with it if you do because of the big game you seem to think you can talk right now because you're "going to join." To put it another way, put up or shut up, and until you've put up you should keep your mouth shut...
  6. H

    Purpose of travel for the new passport..what should I put?'s the things I just got married 2 weeks ago to my military hubby... now he wants me to go to Germany with him and of course I want to be with him too.. So I'm trying to get all the paperwork done... I'm am renewing my passport to change my status and also my surname... now I'm kinda...
  7. H

    Critical Thinking..

    kan i sho u mah pokemon? teh can giv cha teh rules!!!
  8. H

    Good names for these characters?

    I'm writing a story, and I'm not sure about character names. 1) The main character is a strong and confident boy. He lives in Cornwall but his parents are going to be in London for a few weeks as they might be moving there. He is very determined, good-looking, and modest. He's fourteen. 2) The...
  9. H

    A question about Killing Floor (Lee Child)?

    I have a doubt about the basic plot. I can't understand why there was this great urgency to ship out the $1 notes to Venezuela. I mean, the Kliners had waited for about a year while the Coastguard operation was going out, so surely they could wait for a few more days.
  10. H

    Are we spoiled?

    Ah yes...but within the context of this debate that's very much the point. Because in the life expectancy gains we are on about when comparing western cultures to less developed ones is very much about just increasing longevity across the board rather than adding a few more crappy years at the...
  11. H

    Who thinks Corey Feldman should replace Charlie Sheen?

    no thanks. I can't stand all his Michael Jackson wantabe clothes
  12. H

    What's your latest new gadget?

    my droid phone
  13. H

    I'm sick of people gossiping :(?

    The only reason they gossip is because they have nothing better to do with their time. Making peace with everyone is a very hard process and takes time. Most people will mature and realize how rude they were. Those that don't, don't have a lot going for them. Hope this helps =)
  14. H

    What do you think of this story? PLEASE ANSWER!!!?

    It is just a preview. It is about a girl who comes from a very abusive family and her only way to escape is by using her imagination when she looks in to her snow globe and creates a whole new world called "Snow Globe Street"
  15. H

    Flipping "sayings"

    Flipping "sayings" A problem shared ... is gossip
  16. H

    Mitt Romney

    Umm sorry but as far as I know under the Canada Health Act any medically necessary procedure IS provided and it is illegal to charge for something that is covered under the act. If you mean that there are some private provider's working under contract to the government then you are correct. When...
  17. H

    the Dane Cook sucks thread

    1. I had the name before that happened and was not interested in doing what is needed to change it after posting with this name for over a year. 2. Michael Richards was making slurs, not Cosmo Kramer. Cosmo is not a comedian, he is a fictional character played by a comedian. 3. It has nothing...
  18. H

    How do you greet someone?
