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  1. M

    mans greatest invention?

  2. M

    I want....

    What the heck is that CF? Tandem Deadlifts? WTH? Now they're making weightlifting a partnered event? What's next? Team sparring? Oh.... Wait..... My bad! Sorry
  3. M

    nike SB dunks vs. vans

    IMO both are pretty ugly. I'd say the dunks are cooler though.
  4. M

    Ron Paul - the 13th floor

    well it sounds like a mess if entitlements went to folk of reasonable income,and not to those who could not afford them.
  5. M

    What are you doing right now?

    Making propaganda posters, writing a speech, and buying goodies for school election campaign.
  6. M

    Where do you go when you feel like crying?

    Nah.... only birds think that sport is 'unimportant'. And not even all birds, for that matter. It's like when you speak to a bloke and he tells you that he doesn't have a football team. You quickly change the subject and start to edge away....
  7. M

    Illegal to insult Islam?

    Hitchens most likely.
  8. M

    How many girls do you think it is possible to bang at freshers week?

    give it a rest with your 'stories' nocontrol, we all know it's utter rubbish pictures with each girl in his bed? :laugh: ?! also why would you have it? that just sounds wrong
  9. M

    what did you do before there was internet?

    this question only applies to those that can remember!