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  1. I

    Do you have a snowmobile?

    I do...its a yamaha and its purty old...but it gets me around real fast.
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    What Kind of Fighter Are You?

    I AM a Samurai!!!!!!!!!!
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    The Ctrl+V game (Orpaste)
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    Wtf!!!???!! Earthquake In Socal!!!

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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    But I like the taste of garlic. Mind you, it's not like I can taste anything.
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    Hamburger Or Cheeseburger

    chee buguh fo sho
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    I have a question..

    So you are basically telling me that just because I'm a foreigner my opinion doesn't matter? That is asinine mate, not to mention ignorant and close minded... Don't you think that America can learn some valuable lessons from countries that haven't adopted such gun laws and are doing perfectly...
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    Are we spoiled?

    ^ i really dont see the insult. my cookie face is more insulting
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    Woman says deafness can be "nearly eradicated": is accused of "cultural genocide".

    A prominent educator on disabled children is under attack from the deaf community after she described deafness ''as a scourge in our world'' during an awards ceremony. Yes I'm aware that deaf people have their own "culture". But to call this "genocide" is ridiculous. Will we get this kind of...
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    Im going to play soccer

    Soccer is great for cardio. I was on the team over the summer, but then I quit because we had like three games a week so I would have to give up martial arts. Then a few weeks after I quit the team I found out my MA gym closed. Oh well I wasn't that good and just embarrassed myself a lot.
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    act differently to family??

    There's just one of me. So no.
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    Should causing a miscarriage be murder?

    So this is fresh off another fun argument with my parents. As far as I'm aware in English law causing the death of a fetus does not equate to murder. Its still punishable by things such as GBH or what have you but causing a pregnant woman to miscarry or stillbirth isn't murder. Wiki: Bit of...
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    does anyone just get p***ed off with the world today?

    Join the Fkin club. I see the world as a night club, were everyones dancing to **** music and going about blissfully unaware of how terrible the club is. And there's me in the corner looking on think ''****'' The part of the bible that gets me is ''and God wept'' and so he should. Look at this...
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    Why did he say " You're a joke "?

    Because he has an inflated sense of his worth and little consideration of the feelings of another, be they male or female.
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    My 1000th post

    Congratulations on 1000. Nice list. Hold on! You didn't put MAP at the top. Shame on you! j/k
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    Is it normal for a 15 year old to not have any interests?

    At 15 this is status normal, don't fret.
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    only right wing people can be overtly idealistic ?
  18. I

    Some people still hire based on looks.

    You need to be a whole other kind of desperate to go to a hooters bar for your kicks. There's a mountain of porn on the internet, its free and you dont have to get up. Win win really. For once MB I completely agree with you. I don't understand this stuff much so I can't tell if gaining 7% of...
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    Weirdest Work Place Interweb Filters..? is blocked here because of 'Weapons' - they sell replicas, yet I can navigate to Paul Chen Swords where there are apparently 'live' blades...