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  1. N

    Another "which...... are you?" thread.

    Another "which...... are you?" thread. Hmmm, how do a moose and pie combine ???
  2. N

    Thought for the day ..positive please folks

    There are two kinds of people who never seem to get ahead; Worker who don't think, And Thinkers who don't work.
  3. N

    The OFFICAL "im pissed from results night" thread..

    The OFFICAL "im pissed from results night" thread.. I Got Barrred From The Local Pub for hurling abuse at the barmaid because she took my drink off me because she thought i bought it from somebody else. :P
  4. N

    sad Sr. prank

    Yeah Gabe, that shit was weak
  5. N

    Laser surgery

    It is completely anecdotal from basically only the people I have come into contact with. But I still have to wonder about it. But like I meant to imply, take it with a grain of salt and do the homework on any surgical procedure.
  6. N

    Scavenger Hunt ideas?

    u have to get a pair of granny panties lol
  7. N

    Fancy dress assistance...

    There's only one option. Not as a theme, just as what I'd go as! Bolo Yeung is god!
  8. N

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    No, I am simply pointing out that when people hate you, they act on it. What do I think the rest of the world will do now? A good example would be the current calls for a cease fire without disarming Hezbollah. They are starting to take the sides of Israel's enemies diplomatically, and if it...
  9. N

    The most addicting game ever

    2/30. Gave up. Nice addicting game.
  10. N

    Fun zombie-killing flash game

    What the shit game 2 glitched and I was kicking ass. I had an m249 with an rpg. I finished off the last zombie and my guy disappeared.
  11. N

    Miley Cyrus Condoms? WtFw@llh@x?

    You are not alone on that one.
  12. N

    Is Love forever?

    Forever? No. It usually lasts until he gets the big promotion, buys the summer home on the beach and has his second or third mistress. Then love lasts until the Petition for Dissolution is filed. That's been my observation at least.
  13. N

    screen names vs. real names

    Let me guess, HammerFist Jones? Sounds like a good name for a book, or an action figure, or something. I can see the commercial now: Hammerfist Jones swoops in to save the day with his Hammerfist chopper. Jones: Bad guys don't stand a chance against the fist! All vehicles and figures sold...
  14. N

    The world has truly gone mad....

    it depends on if you are disturbing other people ANYONE talking during a film is disturbing other people unless there are no other people in the cinema. If there is even one other person in the cinema it is wrong. but those cultures are doing what they believe is right, you believe them to be...
  15. N

    The Weather Thread

    Our weekend weather was on the insane side... ice, then rain, then ice... finished with rain and 40-50mph winds. between saturday & sunday, we had power for about 30 of the 48 hours - it had loads of fun going out & coming back on due to the wind. I got woken up at around 2am sunday to ice...
  16. N

    Wooooo hoooooo!

    Howdie all Im skipping again!! After what seems like a life time I am skipping again Tried around Christmas last year only to stuff up my ankle In fairness I was pushing 20 stone and not all muscle if you know what I mean!! Tonight I managed 3 mins with no ankle probs and not being too out...
  17. N

    The coffee thread.....

    I put some water in one part then pre ground coffee beans in another and a glass tea pot underneath the coffee. then the water is heated and condenses and coffee goes into the glass tea pot.
  18. N

    the joker = dodgy?

    Never heard of " The Dark Night " Was it a good movie? And had batman in it??
  19. N

    Teen werewolves

    That was extremely sexist of me and I apologise, if an alpha female rose to power I'm sure she could do what she likes to the males. Obviously swap these if it's not a hetero pack leader and if the leader was bi I guess they get their pick...