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  1. I

    is watching tv a waste of time

    TV is great! How else would you get instant news from around the world. The internet has only really taken off in the last 5 or so years. But saying that i would love to read more.
  2. I

    Very interesting...*PICS*

    the museum of old people art?
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    For the Rope Experts/Enthusiasts

    It's not as bad as arriving home early to find her taking on down
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    What is up with you brits?

    We realized it sounded stupid to say burgle, so we changed it. Because we can do whatever we want. We probably did it just to spite you after the war. haha.
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    Whats the name of this song?

    I wanna be The very best No one ever was... Dun dun du-du-du...dun dun du-du-du...du...du...du...du...doo-doo du du doo-doo da To catch them is my very test To train them is my cause...
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    Fall semester 08 schedule

    I'll put mine up in a min.
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    favorite tourettes guy quote

    "faggot with tuba?" "Bitch, I love you!" "I don't give a shit, Shit, SHIT!" "Fuck you kid you're a dick"- along with- "You're grounded.. for not thinking the garbage disposal, sounds like chewbacca, taking a shit!" "Ouch! Motherfucker you hit me in the dick... you're just lucky it...
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    LOLcats/caturday thread!

    I shall have the great eye of Ra tattooed on my self immediately Take that Babylonians!
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    Who is hotter: Hathlan or Glutamic Acid

    I keep quoting myself, DAMN. You've had my password far too long, punk.
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    "ban this sick filth"

    "ban this sick filth" Yeah. Its nobody's fault. Just an accident. If it wasnt her maybe someone else might have been sitting there at the time. To blame it on the strikers is just sad.
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    The Christmas Thread 2009

    this is a little bit soon wait till we've had halloween then its nearly christmas :D
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    The New Doctor

    So, Weeping Angels could never develop pornography...
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    Homeopathy removed from the NHS?

    oh and another one again emphasis is mine
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    Rate the Avatar and Sig of the other person

    Thanks baubin2, but I think we both know that anchovies are the bee's knees. Mmmmmmmmmm anchovies...
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    Aim Chat

    in fact why don't we have MSN things in our profiles most people use that anyway
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    Al Capones Vault!!!

    I mean failure.
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    Where is my vehicle tracker and what does it look like?

    I purchased an ex company car from my employer. I know they have trackers fitted so the boss could see where all his vehicles are at any one time. I want to find out if my car still has the tracker inside. Where are they located? What do they look like? How can I disable it if it's still...
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    Shark vs Octopus (really!)

    how about we rub him all over with sandpaper, roll him in sugar, tie him down then put him in a jar with thousands of ants. just before death we spray him with iodine. then we can feed him to the anaconda.
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    Is the 1997 Ford Mustang loud?

    I'm looking to buy a 1997 4.6 V8 Mustang GT. I love the V8 noise!!! Does anyone know if this model is quieter? Will I be dissapointed on the test drive? or is it still fairly grunty?