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  1. N

    Free Slurpee day at 711

    slurpies are win
  2. N

    Should parents be allowed to smack their children?

    Look this the return of the infamous MAP threesome?!!!???
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    Man booted from gym for grunting

  4. N

    words that begin with z

  5. N

    Dragons, were they real animals?

    exactly what? man, i thought christianity was bad, what ever religion your leaning on is 1000 times better. Edit: You have an "Edit" button should you wish to add to the thread only five minutes after your last post. Try using it.
  6. N

    Any lawyers or attorneys please chime in!

    It's actually a very old one considering the word "salary" is from the Latin word salarium (sal is the Latin word for salt).
  7. N

    Fancy Dress costume

    ebay is good but only sells kids outfits! grr No worries I will post some pics
  8. N

    Whats your FAVE beer?

    man the amount of times ive said 'pint of Brains'. i have so many relatives and friends in wales and brains S.A is just another reason to go there however saying that my favourite beer has got to be good old 'bombadier' in a bottle, or if im getting something on tap its gona be 'bass' cus im...
  9. N

    Who would win in a fight?

    Ahh but superman can fly round the world really fast making reversing the earths rotation thus making time goe backwards He could then kill the hulks parents before the big green one was born
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    Puppets and the UK

    Who remembers Morph? Morph - Card Trick - YouTube Nick Park (Ardman Animations) would definately have been a fan, proof of which can be seen of their website.
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    My Friend Was Killed In A Hit-And-Run

    sorry to hear that man
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    Sexual Assault/Harassment? Really?

    Apperantly the elementary school is concerned about sexual pain fetishes in little children from being punched in the Johnny
  13. N

    kings of chaos

    Been attacked 10 times so far - 9 of them were between registering and logging in to see how to play! The last guy to attack wasn't so lucky! The secret seems to be to keep spending money or you become a target. Launched 18 attacks of my own - only 1 was a complete failure (and he killed 3 of...
  14. N

    Great Lookouts and Scenery in NSW?

    I'm looking for some great scenery and lookouts particularly in Sydney and Wollongong for my photography landscape assignment? Where can I go?
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    Do they have HSC in Canberra?

    Im wondering if there is any HSC in Canberra, ACT. I also want to switch from NSW to do year 11 and 12 at Narrabundah College. What is school like in Canberra and how does it differ to that of NSW?
  16. N

    Teacher in trouble over thong

    No, however you never said that you where only talking about excess violent games / violent movies. And then again i doubt there is scientific evidence that says that too much violent games / violent movies will make you violent. Although i do agree that limitation is a good thing for most people.
  17. N

    Chess fans?

    I used to play chess back when I was in junior high and high school. I haven't played for a couple of years now but back then I won many medals in tournaments. I placed first once in provincials and got to go to nationals, won a nice few silver provincial medals(I think a bronze or two also) and...
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    Oh Knoes!! Machete Suspekt!

    oh knoes!! i want my 2min back.. i hope he comes and machete's you in the balls..
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    Dodgeball Team Name

    head-on apply directly to the forehead.
  20. N

    How can we rig up either a cell/land phone to play what my computer is playing for

    music over the convo? So here's the deal. Me and a buddy recorded a whole bunch of clips and edited, a whole bunch of noises etc, calling random people saying they've been selected to be the first contestent on the newest radio station in their area. Although, people aren't falling for it...