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  1. E

    I thought this was great

    I'll just pick out a couple: No one is proud of themselves for being a 'Causcasian'! There is no such thing as Caucasian culture. Caucasian is just a very broad racial grouping. Right - and they're not stopping legal firearms from doing the same thing either. I can believe that. So...
  2. E

    ***BREAKING NEWS*** Stoop kid afraid to leave stoop.

    Hey Arnold theme song is my ring tone no shens
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    Pick You Favorite.

  4. E

    Firefighters snub gay parade and get hauled into court

    I don't think that joke got the recognition it deserved *golf clap*
  5. E

    i need some advice guys..

    tape ur hand to your dick..... o wait..
  6. E

    Your most embarrassing or weird hobby/interest...

    I do toooo! It is my all time favourite film. I even have the sound track! :D
  7. E

    Post a pic of yourself! #8983475890

    says the racist
  8. E

    Aaaaaaaaaaagh! Kids

    Just a quick thanks for the replies folks. Will reply properly tomorrow if thats ok, im drained from earlier. Nite all Rob
  9. E

    Opinion of Previous users Avatar

    *radio voice* And for an additional $6.95 not only do you get this great stick, but you can look like it too!!! Yes, you too can lose up to 427 extra pounds doing absolutely nothing! That's right! No dieting, no exercise, and absolutely no sleep needed!!! *The makers of this product do not...
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    lawl, gargantuan rick rollage

    If your gonna be a grammar Nazi you should at least correct all the mistakes...
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    got this in an email..dont know if its old or not

    i want to go see Fucking. fuck, why the fuck is the name of a fucking town fucking blocked
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    Seal Culls

    this is closer to the truth than a lot of other stuff posted on this thread. these fishermen live in areas that are incredibly depressed economically and have no jobs other than fishing available. presently the cod supplies are depleted so these fishermen who would usually fish cod need...
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    where is the good in the world

    Margin rape was there to begin with..
  14. E

    Final 2008 "King of ST" Thread

    Final 2008 "King of ST" Thread SPORK DOES IT AGAIN.
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    2008 resolutions ...and your results of the 2007 ones!!

    Any good ideas for 2008 ? Smurf
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    What to do with laser?

    charge money for a laser show. use mirrors and make it trippy
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    Do youre parents get mad if you talk to a military recruiter?

    Well seeing as my mom knew I wanted to be a Marine since I was 4 she saw tis coming. She was freaking out cuz she thought I was going in right after HS. But Im going to go to college, go to OCS and become a Marine infantry officer. She is fine but she know its no use. I know what im getting...
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    What Smart Phone Next?

    the exchange support and developers kit is a firmware update
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    new jersey new cell phone law

    i still talk on my phone while i drive im a BAMF
  20. E

    Thanksgiving Turkey Poll

    white homie