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  1. T

    I need to gain weight/build muscle in about 4 months...?

    First of all, I hope you are doing this for strength and health, and not to show-off or impress. YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO DO BENCH PRESS. I recommend this, don't even bother with that whey stuff or eating a lot of meat. Just eat healthy and stuff with high protein and carbs and low on fat and...
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    How can I train for a mile race?

    Hey anyone got any bright ideas for training? Im only 12 and in our school we got field day coming up and Im in the mile race.It sounds short but Im only 12.Anyways the race is gonna be in a week after vacation and besides running what other stuff can I do to run faster?I put this in singles and...
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    More old men n d province still walking while n d cities looked sickly & dying, why?

    Inting Kublan of Cebu Province who lived in the woodland knew and prepared for his death at 120. This summer vacation I saw personally more old men in the province still walking while in the metropolitan cities they looked sickly and dying. It's surprising!
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    How can I get over this?

    maybe he still likes you. i mean you guys were together for two years you wouldnt just get over it that easy and obviously your not over so he probably isnt either maybe he was using your friend to get to jealous??
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    Is this a good way to get fit and lose weight?

    you dont need to lose weight at all
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    I married a Philippino?

    Improving on her English will go a long way towards giving her a bit of confidence. She can enroll on an English course for speakers of other languages. While on the course, she can explore employment opportunities in the US so that by the time she finishes her English course, she'll know what...
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    I still do not understand this.?

    Ok so im 100% sure on my dates. My last period was Oct. 30th. I remember this because I was on vacation in Florida. Well It just doesn't make sense to me. I went for my first ultrasound March 11th and they said the baby measured to be 15 weeks. I should have been [ according to my LMP ] 19...
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    speech on procrastination?

    im writing a persuasive speech on procrastination.. Im trying to think of a good introduction but nothing really comes to mind.i thought of the "ummmm miss, im really sorry but i havent managed to finish in time"....blah blahany other ideas would be greatly appreciated!and yes...i am...
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    what is last quarter of the YEAR 2007 Lottery promotion ?

    This is a SCAM. The below links gives confirmation of various email scams hitting the internet, including the famous Yahoo/MSN lottery scams and how to report them : thieves have...
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    Which gender do you think is the pickiest when it comes to looks of the opposite sex?

    Men- they want the trophy girlfriend- boobs butt and beautiful
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    strawberry, blackberry or grape jam?

    grape then strawberry. i never even new there was blackberry jam!
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    my mom said don't go to mexico?????

    Is it safe to go to Columbine ,Virginia Tech, the malls and to Church?. was it safe on the beltway.? There are an estimated 50 serial killers at work in the I am typing this..200,000 MURDERS iN THE U.S.A in the past ten years.Most of the violent cartel action is a product created by...
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    What are some fun activities for children...?

    Coloring is always fun for a while. You can get some pretty good coloring books at the dollar store. You could also get some construction paper and stickers and stuff like that and put like a plastic mat or newspaper down on the table or kitchen floor and do some craft stuff with them, if...
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    why do some guys do this kinda crap 2 girls!!!!!!!?

    so this guy in my 1 class acted like he really liked me and i started to like him 2,he would hold my hand and stuff and talk 2 me the whole class,and then just when i thought he was gonna ask me out soon he started acting kinda different,he stopped flirting with me and holding my hand and now he...
  15. T

    How should I get with this girl?

    Well theres no harm in just facbooking and keeping in touch that way. But if you REally need to talk to her on the phone, just casually ask her for it. If i were you, i'd just keep in touch by facebook for now and ask her number when u'r ready to meet up with her?
  16. T

    friend problem, please help?

    i did once to someone what those two did to you... it means that you are not welcome in their group, because they can't stand you. try to learn that not everyone you consider as friend, considers you the same back. real friends don't do that to each-other! they didn't tell you the truth because...
  17. T

    friend problem, please help?

    That is really rude of your friends. Correction, real friends would not treat you like that. They obviously did not want you to go. If it were me in your situation, I would have to let them know that I know their little so-called "secret". How would they like to be treated that way? After I told...
  18. T

    friend problem, please help?

    This was mean of them not to tell you. Talk to them and find out why. Don't just let it slide, sometimes the bite is to big to swallow whole. They might have a good reason or they might be horrible friends, its always good to ask.Peace:-)