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  1. B

    Words fail me... (baby p)

    Unfortunately(I think), I am one of those who was exposed to severe violence from an early age and witnessed serious suffering and wrong doings in my time perpetrated by humans on other humans. I too,seem numb to death and violence. It doesn't bother me anymore. Until now. I ignored the case...
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    Crest White Strips

    Rightttt. I'm onto you "Mr. Doctor".... I'm onto you.
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    Blow your own horn.

    Personally, given how many idiots I seem to interact with on a seemingly hourly basis it's nice to have a little reminder that people can actually be nice from time to time. It seems all to rare to me. And let's face it...posting here to say you aren't going to post about it is pretty much...
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    Obama vs. McCain

    Everyone has their own idea of the Golden Era. Some cite Muslims in Spain were science flourished. Personally, I say when the Muslims were trully united during the Caliphate of Umar and Abu Bakr. As for colonialism, it still occurs but in the economic sense. Most of my criticism applied to...
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    Obama vs. McCain

    Wow, I didn't know Martial Artists did politics, but I agree with Moosey a few pages back; if America had a candidate called Barry I might be tempted to try casting a vote for him! President Barry has a ring to it ... not one that could be taken very serious mind!
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    ST,whats your favorite drink?

    Hawaiian Punch, Gatorade, Powerade
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    Students celebrate end of school year with outdoor orgy!

    I got a blowjob in the main plaza of Lima, Peru.
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    "Cliques" in school that you ABSOLUTELY cant stand!

    "Cliques" in school that you ABSOLUTELY cant stand! Ya right, your posing. (PM me. Tits or gtfo, feminine boy) Just kididng ma brothaaa. :D
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    Huge dog keeps coming back

    safety.....thats like bringing a jew safely to Auschwitz i worked at an animal shelter in college. they have about a 99% chance of getting the lawyer, no appeal
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    Would you use this toilet?

    You really don't know the half of it. That's why one of my nicknames was 'Kev in the community'
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    I just got braces.

    That is the most retarded comment i have ever seen in a shitty thread like this one.
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    Three Word Story

    flawless filly felt. . . .
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    girls and pizza

    be careful of cheese burns..
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    Everybody Draw Mohammad Day

    I participated in Everybody Draw Mohaofftopicd day. My FB picture is still Mohaofftopicdsaurus Rex (his head on a TRex body ) Since when do people have the freedom to not be offended? Fat people in spandex offend me. Jersey Shore offends me. I deal with it. For me, this has NOTHING to do...
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    How come this happens with my internet?

    Usually when i'm on myspace,the internet page freezes and when i click the "X" to close the page it doesn't close. It just stays there. It doesnt freeze my computer or anything, but the only way to get rid of it is to re-start my whole computer. It did right now, how should i close that...
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    Al Capones Vault!!!

    This is going to be massive shenanigans but i am still going to watch. :tup:
  17. B

    Favorite SouthPark Quotes(because who actually goes in the subforms)

    "eat some of my salty chocolate balls" "TIMMA!!!" "i havent been able to take a shower so my balls will be extra vinigary"
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    Trolls . . .

    In its strict definition, "Trolling" refers to any deliberately inflaofftopictory post (usually bearing no relation to the actual views of the poster) made solely to escalate the thread into an argumentative, hostile disaster. The term "Trolling" itself is not from the big ugly monsters that...
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    LOL! Cheney living up to his first name.

    "Hey you see where I put my thermo..KAZAAM!"
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    What's your favorite pick up line?

    do you like pokemons, because i want to pic-at-chu! do you believe in love at first sight or should i walk by again? in my alphabet there are only 25 letters because I missing U. they're all cheesy but funny :D